The drivers of perpetual war in the US are not purely ideological. They are also driven by the warped capitalist profit machine.

Which Trump is fully paid into and has zero interest in changing.

So war will go on.

Maybe not by intention, but simply because Trump is simply a charismatic “Joker”, a wild card, but isn’t a reformer and has no holistic agenda that could turn the situation around.

Even a superficial US peace with Russia will still leave the war machine pumping weapons into Poland, Romania, Scandinavia and the Baltics - and war will ensue there

Similarly there is no fundamental capability or financial interest innTrumps admin to stop the drive to war with Iran and China.

So endlessly warring and WW III is still on course. Because Trump is a charismatic and superficial personality but isn’t bringing and ideas for change that can plausibly add up a stable peace and a fundamental reformation and eradication of the machine of war for profit.

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Your analysis is probably true, but I think it is important to nurture hope.

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Well, Trump announces he will make peace in Ukraine. That is a good thing. On the other hand he will raise the Nato budget from 2 to 5 percent. Against whom? Against China and Russia of course. A compromise between Trump and Deep State?

Peace and civil society must really be in a bad state being dependent on Trump.

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I have a very small hope from the facts above, but are also pessimistic because of his words about Panama an Greenland. But more dangerous is the position of other NATO countries that the wars must continue overall.

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A lot of people dont understand the level of coordination behind the relentless march to war across Europe.

IN Finland for example the professor Tuomas Malinen a couple of days ago summarized a frightening and coordinated drive to propagandize the Finnish people into war.

In Sweden you can see openlly their government has been whipping up "emergency preparation" paranoia, and I have heard from some people involved that their governemt is quietly writing up proposals for new state of emergency laws that would include forced labour.

And in Norway the government is actually already proposing those exact type of laws:


This is clearly war preparation and includes was seems like use of civilians as forced labour and putting them into harms way in war, and increased spending on brainwashing their people over the next eight years, so probably including schoolchildren, to swallow everything the government says aka "battling disinformation".

This is not random action. Its coordinated action driven by the USA through NATO and the US.

Especially so when one recalls what was reveealed in the British media a few months ago: NATO has made plans to invade Russia using "land corridors" across scandinavia including using civilian infrastructure and vehicles even!



So EVERYONE in Scandinavia, men and women including civilians, is to be used as cannon fodder for the US attack on Russia. This will be WORSE than the massacre of Ukranian men. Far worse.

There is a machine at work here, coordinated, and its going to require more than hope to turn off this mad march to war.

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Hallo Kojo!

"The BSW will serve the interests of the general populace, as well as stop support for the Ukraine war AND stop support for Israel. The AfD will serve the oligarchs and the Zionists while stopping support for the Ukraine war. Big difference if you are a German.

Posted by: Roger Boyd | Jan 13 2025 9:25 utc | 176 on Moon of Alabama"

(BSW, Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht)

Musk, Trump´s man, visited the AfD the other day in Germany, you can understand it, when you read this comment, don´t you?

There´s a difference between Biden´s politic and Trump´s. What do you think of Roger Boyd´s comment?

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The Afd is like every other "new opposition" across Europe. A diversion puppeted from across the Atlantic.

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Can you cover the excellent new documentary on “Occupation of the American Mind”

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Occupation or zombification?

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Trump can't be a strongman because he's a whimp in his old age. If there was any strongmanning we would of seen at least a glimmer of it last time he was president. He's at best a weak wristed angry grandpa, at worst he's just a neocon warhawk and presidential representative as a slave state for israel

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Always a pleasure to listen to Jeff Sachs, who should be running the United States, if presidencies were dished out on merit rather than how many rich Zionist backers you muster.

That said, this hour did go slightly off the question of "Will Trump deliver peace?" though I imagine Jeff Sachs is more comfortable in the world of facts rather than one of speculation.

Attempting to assess/guess whether Trump can deliver peace (on Earth?) is surely what in Britain is known as a mug's game, or perhaps in Norway a mugge's game.

As Sachs touches on, there is the issue of Donald Trump's nemesis of Christmas past (present and future?), 'the swamp', or what Sachs calls 'the blob'; presumably the same thing. The 'swamp' is the Trump tales' antagonist; the thing that stops him getting what he wants.

With regard to Ukraine then, taking the assumption that Trump actually wants to deliver peace as valid, there appears to be an equal and opposite assumption: the 'swamp' won't let him.

As Alexander Mercouris often ends his speculative passages, "we'll just have to wait and see", because how many of us have the time or inclination or access to inner circles to compile a potted history of Trump's first presidency, occasions in which he was foiled by the swamp, and then from there identify reasons why this time he might be able to get the better of them.

Trump is a curious character. He almost seems happiest in the company of 'enemy' leaders, rather than his 'allies'; happier seen photographed with Kim Jong Un than a Von der Leyen. There could be many plausible reasons. He likes the buzz of dealing with 'the scary people'? He is at heart a people person and finds the likes of the North Korean leader more genuine, more given to humour? He enjoys the mischief of doing things his advisors tell him not to do? He is a natural self-publicist, loves the limelight, and what could create more of a stir on the global news channels: jetting off to meet 'Little Rocket Man', or some EU crash test dummy?

What he seems to enjoy more than anything is winding people up, and the funnier the better if it's his (or rather the USA's) allies he is winding up, not his (or rather the USA's) 'enemies'. Threatening to invade Iran is boring, but also potentially dangerous, if taken seriously, but what could be funnier than winding up those boring Europeans by e.g. threatening Denmark?

He is acutely aware how despised he is across Europe, in particular by Europe's elected leaders, many of whom have openly voiced how much they wanted him not to be re-elected. Nobody likes to be judged, and I suspect new money Donald Trump especially doesn't like being judged by old money Europe; people who have inherited a chateau from dear papah. What could be more irritating than having to hobnob with European leaders who despise you?

So we have the threats of tariffs on Europe; the return to the extortion racket of minimum percentage of GDP spend on NATO; the threats to invade Greenland, or just buy it instead.

Then we have the social media sorties with his sidekick Musk (or is it the other way around?), the Beavis and Butt-Head sniggering ("We're gonna invade Greenland" <snigger> <snigger>).

It's schoolboy stuff. Two of the most powerful men in the world, behaving like schoolboys.

Can he switch from that Beavis character to a serious one that can see how to solve Ukraine?

Does he even want to, deep down? I don't think he wants any more than an endgame. Ukraine's a situation he can't control. There seems little or no good publicity to benefit from.

Donald Trump will want to spend his second and last presidency doing Donald Trump stuff, not Joe Biden and Antony Blinken stuff. Is all this lawfare stuff gone, or could it come back? He'll want to put that to bed; to make sure it doesn't come back to haunt him in four years.

Apart from boxing that off, trying to ensure that the jail threats don't come back to haunt him, who knows? He doesn't need to be popular any more. This is his last presidency. He doesn't need to deliver on election promises, nobody can vote him out of office if he ignores them all.

He could just spend the next four years sniggering. Just that. Who could do anything about it?

Alexander Mercouris seems rather excited at the prospect of a Trump-Putin summit, it almost accepted that it is definitely going to happen. But why would it? What's in it for either man? Good publicity for Donald Trump? Victory sealed for Putin? The two red lines are miles apart so it is almost impossible to see a 'landing zone', or even any basic foundations toward one.

Putin could go to a summit, assuming he feels safe going anywhere outside Russia. Unlikely? Putin has a permanent Eurasian security treaty to attain from the USA. At least try to attain it.

That's surely the only thing for Putin to discuss. Not Ukraine in isolation. Any negotiation with regard to Ukraine in isolation would surely achieve less than Russia can win on the battlefield. This risks Putin looking weak, Russia looking weak, and the SMO looking a waste of time/lives.

Trump? Why would he want to attend a summit whose chances of success look infinitesimal? There is no triumph to return home with. Putin wants long-term peace so I just let him have it?

The ideal Trump solution might be to let Putin have what he wants, say "Big power moves are back!", waltz into Greenland and say "Hey, Russia got those oblasts but lost all those soldiers, I've just got us this massive new territory and it hasn't cost a single American life" <snigger>

But is the swamp going to let him...

All right, let's be serious.

The only successful summit I can envisage is one where Ukraine is kind of treated as a sideshow; just a piece of a bigger jigsaw. The primary objective would be a permanent Eurasian security treaty involving Russia and the US; their military capabilities in the limited area of Europe and Russia (less likely, expanded to more of the Asian continent, with China).

In this way, Trump could actually return home a hero, having negotiated a peace treaty that puts more time back on the Doomsday Clock. Maybe only five minutes, but that's a big win.

Ukraine would just be relegated to a minor role. Trump then calls in Zelensky, Mark Rutte, Von der Leyen, Starmer, Macron, whoever else, and says "OK, this is how it's going to be..."

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Glen as usual calls the spade of moral dualism a highly over-priced tactic that results in precisely the evils of suffering it pretends to oppose and cure, as in the love, frienship and tender support by which they are decimating the Ukraine. The irony is that this is the weapon of choice for the so called enlightened west, whose leaders seem to show they are still lost in metaphysical swamplands most half educated people have left behind, at least pragmatically, which shows what so called western democracy actually amounts to. Strange also that these protagonists of public virtue often claim allegiance to a traditional religion that eschews hypocrisy and moral posturing, while advocating the love of the enemy and forgiveness. These people then are obviously psychotic, and Russophobia (it was once the jews and another time the arabs) is the most salient general symptom, analysable perhaps to the memeplex of scatter brained idiocy that later textbooks of mental disorder will designate as " the Baerbock effect."

Perhaps the best remedial strategy would be to return these people ( creatures?) to the general population, and make them compete for a half livable wage in conditions of salubriously imposed austerity by the glorious plutocrats they currently serve and attempt to emulate.

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There’s no doubt in their minds, EU and EU NATO that Trump has gone for a disinformation democracy against the will of the people! On a French TV station Thierry Boton can only honour Don Quichote Macron and Manolo Starmer to storm the Kremlin gates as the one and only true cause to save Europe.

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