The story of family Stoltenberg is “tradic”. His father, Torvald, took over as the second head of “the deep state” in Norway that functioned as an extension of CIA. Jens Stoltenberg is actually named after the first head of the deep state in Norway, Jens Christian Hauge. Before Jens knew anything about his father he was ideologically against membership of NATO, but suddenly changed his mind when he reached top levels in politics. This is a man with many troublesome dark secrets and no spine.

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Well, Stoltenberg's pitiful legacy is manifestly clear, not that anyone doubts I'm sure. Perhaps this is a good moment to contemplate what we will have in store with his successor, Mark Rutte, from whom we will no doubt be hearing from shortly. I live in the Netherlands and have seen Mr Rutte, our previous Prime Minister, in action. The first thing to say about him he is an opportunist, not an rabid ideologue like his predecessor. Perhaps his most significant achievement (and qualification for the new position) was his remarkable success in remaining the leader of four ungainly coalition governments over the course of eleven years, making him the longest serving prime minister in modern history in the Netherlands. His masterful wheeling and dealing behind the scenes will undoubtedly serve him well in Brussels as he struggles to keep the fracturing NATO alliance together. One does not turn to Mark Rutte for long-term, strategic vision; he will have no constructive ideas about the future of NATO. He is, in essence, basically a seasoned a crisis-manager. Whether this will hasten or merely delay the alliance's inevitable decline into irrelevance remains to be seen.

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Thanks Glenn. A peaceful alliance that is constantly at war would seem to be the very definition of failure. Might be time for a new approach as the current one seems to bring very little peace for anyone.

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Thanks for sharing Glen. Agree 💯 NATO is no longer a defense alliance but an aggressive war alliance It’s USAs extended arms in their illegal loser wars and their military industry biggest customer NATO should have been dissolved in 1991 together with the Warsaw Pact And Europe should have established their own defense army without USA. Unfortunately are Europe vassal states for USA and follow them everywhere. Danish broadcast have just released a documentary movie in 6 episodes Called Welcome to the Frontline. It describes how Denmark for 30 years have follow USA and participated in their endless loser wars. From NATOs war on Balkan to the illegal war in Iraq to Afghanistan and other places. Our Prime Minister lied to the parliament and the people about the non existent mass destruction weapons in Iraq. The motto for the wars was always. Freedom and democracy. All the wars was like Ukraine outside NATOs jurisdiction and none of the countries had never threatened a NATO country. Young danish men and women was killed and many seriously wounded both mentally and physically. The conclusion was that it have all been a total disaster and fiasco for Denmark 🇩🇰 We are a small country but more than 30.000 Danish citizens have participated in the wars. Today soldiers sit back and say what have we been fighting killed and killed other people for? Our political have lied for us But USA NATOs aggression continues Their new battleground are Ukraine and the result will be the usual Millions killed the country totally destroyed Trillion of $ wasted and then they lose they will leave and find a new battleground Israel / Gaza Iran China or other countries USA NATO are warmongering criminals and the biggest threat to world peace

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Doesn't that killing and destruction boil down more and more obviously for power and profit. Glenn Diesen has revealed many connecting links but imo Lindsey Graham delivers some of the most enthusiastic soundbites.

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Jens stolti always stuck me as criminal level warmongwr,, not just rhetorical....at least all of NATO too, since 1999 Yugoslavia, I imagine you might wrote about that, does anyone even remember Yugo salvia or checkoslovakia, where did they go?..... You go.....Glenn ....

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There was considerable evidence that Stoltenberg's regime was in league with terrorist Breivik during his attack on kids.

His promotion to NATO not only sealed that conviction, but was probably a pay-off.

He obviously struggles at being human.

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NATO is a defensive alliance desperately in search of a war to justify its existence.

But the chief architect and power in the alliance is the world's biggest weapons exporter, by a huge margin.

Expansion of NATO is monstrously profitable, both politically and financially.

Hence, it must continue.

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Thank you Glenn for sharing this broader and deeper context. That by its contrast, shines a spotlight on the arrogance of the 'crowd' that thinks it knows-all-sees-all from political corporate propaganda - and relies on its own bulk rather than facts for its foundation.

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It is easier said than done to retire NATO. For the current power in charge of NATO to agree with an official NATO retirement, the 3 original goals must be retained, Americans in, Germans down, and Russians out. I would guess EU-DoD would eventually resume the role, and the attitude, of NATO, until the North Sea oil/gas field dries up. There is a reason for UK, Norway, and even Denmark to be belligerent -- because they don't depend on Russian gas as much. For people with hot-boiled political blood, a good winter will cool them down into a more reasonable state.

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By the way, Nobels peace prize, is as pathetic and false as this “man” Jens Stoltenberg like the rest of the US-puppets in Norway, Europe and The Western Hemisphere.

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