Thank you Glenn you are one of a small number of people who help me stay sane, though somewhat depressed…

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I am danish. Denmark 🇩🇰 have also decided to allow US military bases on its soil Normally such a decision should have been send to referendum or at least 3/4 of the parliament should vote yes for it. But the government has just decided to accept it without any information or discussion They just said that the threat from Russia are so big so we must accept “help & support” our “good friends and allies” USA. The same happened in Sweden 🇸🇪 A majority of the Swedes population are against US bases But they government overruled them And the MSM are ordered to shut up 🤐 It’s obvious that the Scandinavia countries ow are legitimate targets for Russia to attack because USA are at war with Russia NATO should have been dissolved in 1991 together with the Warsaw Pact Instead they expanded USA NATO are the biggest threat to world peace It’s not a defense alliance but a war and terror alliance NATO have become USAs extended arms in their illegal wars and their weapon industry biggest customer It’s all about money 💰 But the European politicians are to stupid to realize they just useful idiots in USAs never ending loser wars. Next stop China 🇨🇳 who also will involve NATO despite its 1000 of miles from their territory The world have never been closer to WW3 than now. Thanks to the corrupt warmongering USA 🇺🇸

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Remember the Norwegian TV series, Okkupert (Occupied, on US Netflix), premiering in 2015? The Russians (backed by the EU) invaded and occupied Norway, after the Prime Minister closed Norway's offshore drilling operations. I watched three seasons, but at the back of my mind was always the question: why were the Russians invading Norway for their oil, when they supposedly had their own resources, and why were the Russians portrayed as the ultimate 'Bad Guys?'

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This is an in-depth insight that should be made available to and read by all Scandinavians. Until we Scandinavians realise that the only real threat to us is USA, we will just sink deeper into the mire that is US warmongering and perpetual warfare. The world's only hope is that the ordinary US citizens realise that those who govern USA are the least able and competent elements in their country.

'Revolution Is Now' by Cailyn Johnstone https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/revolution-is-now has sensible advice to the US Americans that hope for a better future, not under the yoke of the MIC and the corrupt politicians.

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@Jonn Mero

Please do not forget the British history in using Scandinavian countries as proxies vs. the Russian empire, this goes back to well before the US declaration of Independence?

Kipling mentions this, romanticizing the great game as he was wont to do:

"The lion and the raven, they kept the bear at bay. But he picked the bones of both when they quarreled by the way"

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Sep 6Edited

If I were a Scandinavian, something I would remember very well is that historically Russia has expanded not only within the limits of the regathering of the core Russian lands, but also outside of that sphere, if geostrategic and security considerations called for it.

Crimea is solidly Russian now, but it only became Russian in the late 18th century, and predominantly ethnically Russian even later. It wasn't empty though -- Crimean Tatars lived there (and still do), but when they were independent they were a persistent security problem, so because of that, plus the need for warm water ports, Crimea was taken.

Odessa was the same story, and other places too.

If I am a Russian strategist, I look at Scandinavia, and what do I see? I see:

1) A pathologically hostile to Russia population, that is willing to host missiles that directly threaten the Russian core. So a much more serious threat than the Crimean Tatars ever were with their slave trading raids.

2) No prospects for that ever changing, given how much goodwill Russia expended in the decades since WWII and how little it took for those countries to flip. It appears to be something deeply ingrained.

3) I see a huge piece of land that is blocking my access to the ocean from the Baltic Sea. And that is also vital for controling access to the Russian Arctic Ocean safe harbors.

4) I also see small populations that would be relatively easy to deal with. Plus, if it ever comes to that, the first step would likely be directly nuking all the major population centers, only then moving in and occupying the rest.

The US will then have the choice to either stand down or die itself defending what no longer exists, and the rational pick is the former.

With the current Kremlin leadership, which is intellectually incapable of even defending its own official territory from NATO invasion, that scenario has zero chance of happening. But there is no guarantee that the Kremlin leadership will not change eventually...

So effectively the Nordic countries have potentially signed their death sentence. For what? For no gain whatsoever, as there was no threat to them previously...

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The current Kremlin leadership is just fine. Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov are the most rational and intelligent leaders on the planet right now. NATO has revealed itself to be the main troublemaker on earth, good only for destruction and threats. I am a U.S. citizen and I despise the U.S. government and also NATO. NATO should have been dismantled at the same time as the Soviet Union was dismantled by the traitor Gorbachev. You are believing a bunch of lies about Russia in this war. Russia is winning hands down. It is only western lies that keep pushing the nonsense that Ukraine is winning. It would be a joke if only so many people weren't being killed in this insane conflict. Started by the U.S. and NATO.

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The Russian response that you outline seems the only one available to them. Why then would the Scandinavian politicians put their populations in such risk? Monetary bribery cannot be so widespread. Your opinion would be appreciated on why Scandinavian politicians were so eager to join NATO and accept American bases.

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Sep 8Edited

Why did Finland invade Russia during the Civil War and why did it then join the Nazis in the siege of Leningrad?

1) Pathological Russophobia

2) They thought Russia is weak and ripe for the taking.

It's the same situation now, but with added third factor that local politicians see themselves as more loyal to and more a part of the globalist elite than their own countries.

Now the Swedes do have a legitimate beef with Russia. After all they were destroyed as a great power by Russia.

But the Finns and the Norwegians? Why? Finland wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the Tsars taking it away from Sweden and then giving it autonomy. It would have been completely Swedified and assimilated over time.

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It is said that the Finns part of the Axis front facing Leningrad somehow had their advance stall right about the old Karelian border from before the winter war? And never managed to go further? Or is that revisionist history? As per Wikipedia: "Finnish participation in the siege mainly consisted of a recapture of lands lost in the Winter War."


Are you aware of the reputation developed by Finnish conscripts & mercenaries during the 30 years war? Back when Gustavus Adolphus was "willing to fight the Poles to the last Finn"?

The Finns were not into the present sauna culture yet, apparently. It was claimed that a Finnish unit could be SMELLED several miles down wind and that the opposition tended to "find an important reason to be elsewhere" if they did. The tactic of just silently marching up to point blank with their opponents and only then firing a single very effective volley (too close to miss, too close for the powder smoke to hide their targets) instead of stopping to fire musket volleys at some distance unnerved ordinary units they faced, compounded by the Finns/Swedes still including pike men after other armies abandoned the like, plus equipping all the musketeers with LARGE SWORDS instead of bayonets, rendering opposing musketeers with only typical spike bayonets at a great disadvantage in close quarters (where the Finns sought to engage as quickly as possible).

Stinking, silent, scary guys with more and longer pieces of sharp steel than your side, who apparently were not afraid to get shot and WANTED to cut you open...

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Please watch and share, this looks pretty critical

America’s New Nuclear War Plan: Time to Panic? | Amb. Jack Matlock, Col. Larry Wilkerson, Ted Postol

Dialogue Works

The Schiller Institute, International Peace Coalition: Cage the ‘Dogs of War’!


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Oh Glenn, you have so little faith in the West and NATO. :(

But I can assure you, that if Europe as a whole could conscript every one of its US-corrupted politicians and media characters who are screaming for a war with Russia, and sent them to the Ukrainian front themselves, Ukraine would win.

Perhaps not the actual war, but nonetheless those 10s and hundreds of thousands of extra bodies, and their cast-iron "will", would surely make a difference. And I for one would respect that 'throw of the dice', especially if I could go-fund signing a missile or two aimed at them.

The point is, surely, it WON'T be them. It'll be us.

But their cult has taken power across the whole of the social realm, stopping them is similar to trying to stop the flood of Hollywood movies. Not a random choice of example.

At least the Nordics have a CHANCE to kick NATO and the USA back out. Imagine trying to roll back NATO/US control in the UK?

$50m - $100s of millions were spent, possibly in the $Bns by the end, to undermine the democratic run of Corbyn, and there were direct threats of assassination had that not worked.

When you Nordics reach the point of having assassination threats against your most popular Opposition leader (With 40%+ national support), and the media POPULARISE (And justify) this threat, it's already too late for you.

It is the West promoting Authoritarianism - as ever, what they are projecting out, is the truth of themselves.

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How do you know that the Nordics don't face the threat of assassination if they were to doubt the benevolence of their imperial overlords?

Already forgotten Olof Palme who tried to improve relations with the Soviets like Willy Brandt? Brandt was only regime-changed, but Palme paid with his life.

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Excellent writing. To which I say, make Europe a bunch of separate non NATO states with their own currencies, again, as Russia will likely insist, by winning the war,

Russia doctrine is that Russia can not lose this dammmm war. The Arrogant West will do well to contemplate that idea

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USA say they have to do it. USA say they can do it. USA say they will do it. USA say they have done it. Who can it be🤔?


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The Masonic-Zionist Hegemony's Vassal-Oligarchs in Govts+Militaries(MIC) aren't considering Russian Hypersonics, Cruise Missiles, and Theater Ballistic Missiles (TBMs).

As a Former US Naval Officer and a 2nd Gen Navy Veteran, it's ridiculously foolish to see the Scenario NATO - namely NOR, SWE, and FIN have placed themselves in.

IMO, Russia are the only Nation-State which can destroy the Military+Civil Infrastructure of any other Nation-State just with their Conventional Weapons - namely through the aforementioned Missiles. They don't need to travel very far from their Borders to hit deep into Murica's Heartland; and they just might render unto Antagonist-States Missile Barrages similar to those being dumped upon Ukraine.

Russia don't need to occupy Scandinavia, Baltic States, or Germany... Cratering their Military+Civil Infrastructure and Troop Formations should be good enough to get Nations to back down; and the Process can be repeated Year 'round...

Détente, Deterrence, and Trade - worked quite well during the latter Cold War Years; and Murica will not have the support to position Tens of Thousands of Troops with accompanied Tanks+Artillery in Scandinavian and Baltic States to hinder Russia.

IIRC, NATO "tried" that with their Northern Exercises in late 2021; but when Russia moved far more Troops+Gear much faster in a Countering Configuration, NATO decided to back down, quit, and finish early.

NATO "can attempt" to stop Russian Shipping in the Baltic and North Atlantic; but that would mean a direct confrontation with Russia; and if Murica were to be involved - direct retaliation upon Murican+NATO Military Bases, Army, Air Force, and Naval Assets in €URope and in the CONUS.

Unfortunately, the Atlantic Masonic-Zionist Hegemon-Plutarchy, Vassal-States, and their MICs are in denial that Russia and China have broken free from their interventions and are undefeatable by Military or Economic means.

It's unfortunate to see Scandinavian Nation-States Cater to AngloMurican GeoPolitical Schemes.

Haven't they been paying attention to Ukraine Fail-Stating into Military Defeat, ruin of Infrastructure, unpayable Debt, Financial Servitude, loss of Agricultural Lands and Mining Rights to Murican Corporate Interests?

NATO claim that they aren't producing enough to equip+arm Ukraine. Do Norway, Sweden, and Finland think that they'll get all the Gear+Ammo they'll need by Hosting Murican Troops? Murican Military Bases, Troop Formations, Fleet Deployments, and Airstrips are the first to be Cratered by Missiles.

Hopefully, AngloMuricans will be deterred from starting a Military Engagement with Russia; but I don't have the confidence in them...

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Sep 10
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And from me to you, Sir - Thank you.

Best regards,

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"the Arctic will be converted into NATO sea".

A cursory look at a map totally refutes this assertion. No matter what, the arctic route from let's say Murmansk to China is under Russian control, practically and legally (UNCLOS). The way Russia has only a bit of access to the Baltic Sea via Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg, same way, US and European allies have access to the arctic.

The Canadian arctic is more complex and there is little to nothing in terms of infrastructure and ability to create adequate infrastructure.

The total population of Norway, Finland, and Sweden is 16 milion, and they are highly concentrated...

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Exactly so. And if Denmark/Sweden were ever to try to stop Russian shipping in the Baltic, then a dozen or so each of hypersonic missiles could do a lot of damage to tiny Denmark and sparsely populated Sweden, and if that didn't work, two or three nukes would do the trick. The chances of the US joining in to 'protect' Europe are nil, although they of course would be the instigators of any such conflict.

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Professor Diesen,

The question is: how will this end (the militarization of Scandinavia)?

Clearly Scandinavia has no prayer in hell of taking on Russia, militarily.

The same can be said for Europe. Marat Khairullin's latest talks about the difficulty for any of the European NATO nations to even field a single division abroad, anymore.

Is there any parallel in history where a political entity (the EU) is so simultaneously militarily and economically provocative while being visibly lacking in both military and economic prowess?

Economically, Scandinavia is better off than Europe - being a provider of the energy and commodities needed. Nonetheless, the ongoing decline in European prosperity cannot help but affect those depending on EU continental trade.

Then there is the US. As an American, it is very clear to me that more and more Americans are becoming vocal that focus should be placed domestically rather than on the many foreign entanglements. What is Scandinavia's, the Baltics' and the EU's plan should the United States choose to enter one of its periodic bouts of (relative) isolationism?

Or are Scandinania's leaders as feckless and the EUs?

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Plans to bring Sweden and Finland into Nato predate the Russian intervention in Ukraine.

A 2019 Rand Report for "Extending Russia" recommends:

"intensifying NATO’s cooperation with Sweden and Finland, pressuring Russia’s claims in the Arctic, and checking its influence in the Arctic."


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Norway is in big trouble. If they've accepted hosting 12 military bases, they've probably got 24+ BioWeapon Labs with potential Plum Island/Lyme CT, or Fauci/US/Wuhan Bioweapon Lab incidents

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Clear and logical. Thank you Glenn.

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What is happening in the world doesn't have any logic. We see exactly the opposite of what we expect giving the rise of China. It is like the history started with the war in Ukraine and now we learn about this world. Maybe there is a new logic.

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Sep 10
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In Russia this is probably the only thing you can say. The Americans can win if they want but until now, only promises

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The premise that "The Americans can win if they want" is predicated on fantasy.

The US military is in disarray - demilitarized by sending enormous amounts of material to Ukraine, where it has been destroyed; exposed as lacking air defense as well as artillery and missile logistics; unable to even maintain its existing manpower levels due to recruitment failures; 1990s technology military platforms exposed as unfit for actual war. The only straw left to be grasped at is the superiority of front line F35 aircraft - except these aircraft can only fly about 50% of the time.

This does not even take into account, the fact that America is no longer the predominant manufacturing power in the world as it was in World War 1 and World War 2.

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And a lot of dead people

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Sep 11
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They can use the stealth plains to bomb all Russian positions in the Eastern Ukraine. Russia will not retaliate with nuclear weapons because of the risk of nuclear war. It will retaliate using conventional. But the faith of its army in the East can be decided this way.

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There is no part of your statement that has any basis on reality.

First: "Stealth planes" have never proven to work against 1st world defenses, much less Russia's. Serbia shot down an F117 "stealth" plane with 1960s Soviet air defenses in 1999.

Second: Why do you think Russia would not retaliate? Russia has made it very clear: any attack construed as a serious threat to Russia will be responded to with nuclear weapons. A Western stealth aircraft attack on Russia is way, way over the red line. Ukraine doesn't have stealth aircraft, let us not forget, so any magically appearing stealth aircraft would be, by definition, US. Eastern Ukraine - at least the 4 oblasts that are now part of Russia, are considered Russia by that nation.

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You need to remember that they attacked before the strategic radars in Crimeea. The Chinese will not accept nuclear weapons use. They are also (very) interested in some Russian territory. The Russians will be able to strike in Europe using conventional weapons (hypersonic or subsonic) but it will do this as a reaponse not as a way of winning the war. A war is or not winnable but it is not the end of the world.

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China has no say in Russia should Russian national defense be in question.

As for "strategic radars in Crimea" - you are seriously uninformed. There are no "strategic radars" in Crimea - the site that was attacked was in Russia proper, and it did not destroy the location or even do serious damage.

Lastly, you keep thinking Russia won't respond with nuclear weapons. This is stupidity of the highest order based on the fool's idea that if it has not happened yet, it will never happen.

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There will be a price for the European countries but it will not be nuclear. Starting a nuclear war for an outside territory is not acceptable for the Chinese and the rest of the world.

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Sep 10
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I am sure you know a lot about socialism from having lived in socialist/communist country(yes) - as do I. Please - could you explain to me in your own understanding, where do the ideas of socialism, communism and capitalism originate. Also - do you agree that Capitalism as opposed to communism is not an ideology?

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Watch "Americas new nuclear war plan:...." on Dialogue Works (YouTube) for a reality check that will scare the living daylights out of everyone

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