Putin has made it clear that no political settlement is possible without meeting Russia's legitimate security concerns.

He's made it clear what those concerns are and that he will not settle for less.

The attempts to fob him off with the temporary cessation of hostilities is (A) more MInsk Agreement fluff and nonsense, and (B) transparently intended to wait until he's gone and renew hostilities against his successors who may not have his perspective, insight, ability, nor backbone. IOW, both are delaying tactics and not serious solutions by either design or intent.

It's also reasonably clear to me that he knows all of this, too, and is not going to swallow any of it.

So the conflict will continue until Ukraine and/or US/NATO/EU admit defeat and concede to his demands. Since they are loathe to do so, for obvious reasons (one of which being they cannot afford such a loss of credibility given they're already being tossed out by their own voters) then Russia is obliged to continue taking the territory the hard way until they are forced by reality to concede or enough of them are replaced to change the bloc's strategic posture towards Russia.

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Firstly, a huge thank you to Glenn and Mr. Chas Freeman - I am always in awe of your knowledge and listening to you speak makes me feel like my brain cells are regenerating after two decades of Western propaganda :) Correction to Alexander however - Orbán (of Hungary) IS someone who is speaking out for peace. Maybe add Fico to that. Perhaps what he means to say is that no one from Western Europe is speaking for peace, but see, if anyone outside of Western Europe is NO ONE to you, you defined the very problem in attitude and thinking. That said, one thing that certainly has changed with the Ukraine war that Westerners haven’t yet fully comprehended is that the Eastern citizens’ internalisation of Western bullying and contempt has ended. You will no longer enjoy treating us as nobodys and second class citizens - your time in the sun has ended.

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Trump wants Europe to pay NATO's bills in proper proportion and he wants to cut the US federal budget. Solution: honor Russia's 12/2021 proposal calling for NATO to withdraw behind its 1997 borders and shut down at least half of the US bases in what remains of NATO in Europe. Probably some massive military budget savings right there.

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That would be a solution that Russia will consider.

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Good Evening Prof, One thing is certain on this NATO Made in America WAR the Pentagon nor the Whitehouse will let this go, They will not be satisfied until they Force by severe Propaganda and intimidate Russia into a First Strike Scenario one thing the World Population knows is the USA Have used Weapons of Mass Destruction and will have no problem using them Again but only if their devious subterfuge is successful The Billionaire Zionists who Rule not only America but the whole Western World are Insidious Bastards, These shadow Creatures are the real Enemies of the People they Buy Political Favours they Corrupt Politicians and their Leaders it’s disgusting that the Musks Zuckerbergs’ Bezos Soros Monsters who Prey on and cause Crashes in Stock Markets so they can make Billions from Mortgage Payers and Working People’ Misery, The people you have been brainwashed into voting into power are not in power to look after you and your children or even your well being they are in Power to make Billionaires more Billions and Serve The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse named above.

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I think the only solution is to dissolve nato. Nato became a threat to mankind. And for sure a US global dictatorship is not going to happen at any time.

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Russia is open to negotiate on American/NATO force reductions/withdrawl from central Europe, Baltics & Finland, but I doubt they are willing to negotiate on much else.

Ceasefire not likely until America, NATO & the west generally, are 100% gone from Ukrainian territory.

If no agreement on European security that is satisfactory to Russia, likely Russia will advance to Ukraine's western border.

Ukraine itself seems destined to be a casualty of the west's proxy war against Russia.

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I just cannot bring myself to watch anything on this topic. It is all too depressing!

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