Seems that on every major issue nowadays the EU is on the wrong side of history. Until these people are actually held accountable this shit will go on forever.

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von der leyen is a disgraced former politician who has no natural consituency of real support even in her own country, and is clearly owned and remotel operated by the neocon faction of the US.

How do you hold someone like that "accountable", other than by asking the ICC to issue a warrant....which the entire set of EU govts in synchronization will ignore?

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Hillary Clinton's innocent prediction about the orchestrated collapse of Syria rather reminds me of Joe Biden's innocent prediction that Nordstream might be going offline in a orchestrated way.

Aren't these genocidal Islavermin Annalena Blurbock's new bezzie mates?

Looks like Hillary Clinton and Annalena Blurbock have questions to answer.

At The Hague.

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Thanks for your great work Glenn! The situation is terrible yet predictable.

We've shared the link on our daily report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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The war in Syria is a proxy war of the US deep state. And the EU in Brussels is fully captured by the same deep state.

Its hardly a surprise that they are singng the same completely implausible song.

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“A total catastrophe”

kudos to Trump, he got that right.

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Hillary Clinton is such a heinous individual.

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You got that right. A complete sociopath and war criminal. The MeToo crowd doesn't care because she's a woman and that's all they care about.

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