It is not a ‘war in Gaza’ and it has not just ‘spread’. Israel is a settler-colonial state. It has always intended in accordance with the Zionist programme that created it, to replace all the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine with Jews. The historical evidence has always been there and Israel’s actions have always been consistent with its desire to complete its project. Israel is desperate for a big war, because it will provide the smokescreen to eliminate the millions of Palestinians that are in Gaza, the colonised West Bank and in Israel itself. The kind of narrative you use continues to ignore the historical context, what Israel really is, what Israel’s actions mean and the fact that it has been aided and abetted by the world’s greatest powers who could stop this crime against humanity overnight if they wanted to. From its beginnings in the late 19th Century, the Zionist movement has been supported and encouraged by countries like Britain and France. The US joined in after WWII. It is shameful that you write the way you do. I recommend Prof. Rashid Khalidi’s excellent book The Hundred Years' War on Palestine, and Prof Ilan Pappé’s Ten Myths About Israel, just in case you really don’t know what is going one, which I find doubtful. It is not a ‘war’ it is settler-colonialism aided and abetted by the whole world.

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The greatest problem the West has, is lack of education and the training of rational and logical thought processes, combined with indoctrination that has led Western nations to falsely believe in their supremacy, which has brought on copious volumes of hubris and accompanying arrogance, which all in combination prevent clear and objective view of the global realities.

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The reason I am not subscriber is because I have lost my hearing because of a stroke. otherwise I am a huge fan of yours and have at least 6 of your books, in all honesty they are all gems from a shining star.

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