Excellent discussion, particularly drawing upon the knowledge and analysis from Alastair Crooke.

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Many western politicians and mass medias, still don't understand how Russians think, and what values Russians hold, including the Russian politicians.

It's a great mistake, to assume that The Russian Federation President holds all the power, and makes decisions alone, just by consulting experts first. That isn't the way the Russian state is run. Rather, Mr. Putin is led by the consensus of the public, for the personal decisions he takes... however, he has to have approval of the Russian parliament and many other powerful organisations and individuals, who hold tramendous amount of power, in the decision making process. The Russian Federation is a true democracy, in the political sense.

Until western power holders, begin to understand the ways in which the Russian Federation works, they will only feel the cold Siberian winds... achieve nothing of value in this important relationship, between Russia and the west.

The Chinese -western relationship suffers from similar problems. It's so unfortunate that the west never understood Communism and Socialism...but rather the western ruling classes, chose total propaganda and lies...having never read much of Marx, Engels, and so many other great thinkers.

All if the above plats a fundamental part now, of where we find the world today....once again on the hot war path if self destruction.

Our great respect, and best wishes to all 3 great observers and analysts in the video discussion.

Keep up the great work you do.

We are totally with you, always.

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Surely, destroying approximately hald of Zelensky's power grid, isn't bluffing. It was done in just 3 days, and western airdefence systems All failed to srop this happening. But still, we get, even today, Zelensky Nato stating that they destroyed 99% of Russian missiles and drones, overnight. These kind of lies, attract a lot of laughter and jokes from around the world.

We need to bare in mind, that the Russian Federation has Not declared war on Ukraine...not yet...but if the west continues attacking mainland Russian territories, the declaration of full scale war will be the result.

And it will be a war, that Russia will win in a one month, approximately.

And even if the conventional Russian fire power makes terrible mistakes..and the Russian Federation seems to losing that future war...then guess what...The specially trained Russian nuclear forces, will take over that scenario...and western Europe will be destroyed, unable to sustain life for over 100 years. Furthermore, the Russian Federation populations of over 200 different nationalities, have full underground bunker protection...whereas, no western country has such protections for own populations.

And then....what?

Russia wins, but inherits a large dead territory, left vacant for human existence, in the west...and carries the scars of western nuclear attacks on Russian territories.

It surely is, an acceptable scenario, even for Russia. That's why the Russian Federation Government has been very careful, in not escalating the conflict with the combined west.

But again, id the western ruling classes, continue to escalate the attacks on The Russian Federation...then, what are the good people of Russia, supposed ro do?

Of course, First and foremost, it is to protect the Russian Federation peoples, and actually the whole world populations, from irresponsible atuoid western escalation into a full blown Nuclear war, of ww3... the final chapter of struggle between Germanics and Slavs, in the western historical record. But one that affects All people, in our world.

Until the western rulers are dethroned, there won't be any lasting Peace, No security, but just more and more violent struggles, between what many call...Good vs. Evil.

Ao now, all woeks natuona have to decide, and then declare, for the side they think is the Good side. And it appears, from most public research in the natuons of the world, that the Russian Federation wins very convincingly, the common people's judgement.

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