My experience in America is that of being hated, which I now believe is largely due to being born in Russia. Tis an effervescent luminosity pervading all reality in the Arrogant West, that of underlying racism, or is it fascism, ?

No greater racism than that mandatory hatred for all things Russian in America.

No bigger expression than that of the hunter Joe Jill bidendiaper despots....

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When a great deal of the population have been disinformed and gaslighted for decades by the government and the mainstream media it creates a very toxic and dangerous environment. This propaganda machine have since Russia’s special military operation escalated extremely so many are now running around like bloodthirsty zombies aiming for Russian blood. It’s more than insane to witness this also in Norway.

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Jeoffrey Sachs, in one of his latest interviews on Ytube addressed the issue of Russophobia. He researched the issue and came to the conclusion, that in large part, it spread from UK in 19 century and is related to the fears that Russia would want to go for the “jewel of the British empire” - India.

In my personal opinion, it is related to the hysterical fear mongering propaganda of the “Reds”. Making 5 years old to duck under the school desks because Russians want to destroy free America, could mess up with a child’s head and have a life long impact. While the large part of the world, including Russia, lived under the threat of the American nukes, doesn’t matter to them.

If communists mastered this level of mass manipulation through propaganda, communism would have been alive.

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And, by a strange coincidence, the US has become the world's largest net exporter of LNG, liquified natural gas, building madly expensive and explosive and energy intensive, LNG terminals from Texas to Washington state to Maine, plus supporting the construction of the bulky LNG ships. So, after the Nordstream pipelines were eliminated, the US was ready to step in and offer LNG to Germany (and the rest of Europe: rising from 15 million to 55 million tons annually ) at a price only 40% more than Russian gas. And, let's call it what it is: methane.

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Excellent column. If people don't like the first lie, then NATO and the U.S. pull out another one. Then when that one doesn't fly, they have another one ready out of another pocket. They will keep on doing this to cover up their war crimes. It makes me ashamed to be a U.S. citizen. "The dog ate my homework" doesn't pass muster even coming from Bart Simpson. They take us for fools and risk destroying the planet just to get one over on the Russians who, by the way, have never attacked the United States and have no desire whatsoever to invade Europe. Russia doesn't need us .

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One MAJOR reason for the current insane levels of racist Russophobia is simply that Western leaders want any excuse NOT to face Putin. After all, he has documentary evidence of all of their lies, scams, deceits, plots, illegal wars, illegal sanctions. In many of those cases he was directly involved himself, he knows EXACTLY whatof he speaks.

And as most every Western 'leader' has actually been imposed by the USA/CIA & NATO, the last thing they can do is admit that his plaints are honest, true, accurate, and reasonable.

The truly appalling and nationally-EMBARRASSING 'meeting' between Lavrov and World Moron Liz Truss has to be seen to be believed, and that was one of the last such meetings.

Only the ever-facile and openly two-faced Macron lacks even the decency to be ashamed.

What a fucking shitshow.

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A very good summary

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Check out my commentary to Thomas Fazis and Maike Gosch's article on the matter:


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Both your comments and the cited article are good reads.

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Yes, it is obscene what passes for journalism from ALL western countries

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Very good article.

The question is what will the western media do with this clear admission? Probably silence, as they are too embarrassed to show that they have been used.

Can we trust them in the future?

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Veldig bra skrevet.

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To see the Great Nation of Germany crawling in the dust, mumbling and fumbling over this issue is depressing. What happened to Europes strongest state? The real motor of Europe?.

Tell you what! When Snowden revealed that Merkels phone was tapped by that Peacemaker Obama and when Merkel allowed 1 million syrians (or whatever) into Germany to help US with the refugee problem the show was over. And when I realized that Germany didnt dare to offend US over the Nordstream 2 my thoughts went downhill. Germany and Europe is under the foot of US/UK.

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So with at least two different narratives, how much can one know for sure?

It seems that knowledgeable American sources more or less have confessed that US authorities knew about the attack beforehand, but that they didn't commit it. Perhaps somebody else did, and the US was happy with that?

Or what is your theory, Glenn?

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It's certainly a mystery if you assume Western Autocracies don't lie to their own publics as standard operating procedure.

Not such a mystery when you realise they do.

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