There has never been a “rules based international order”. That’s nothing but noise and spin spread by the US PR machine and the vassals.
What we have had is: the US systematically undermining international law and in fact ignoring human rights law, refusing to subject itself to the international human rights norms and conventions, and increasingly sponsoring terrorists and murderous militia and even official death squads everywhere, from Guatemala to El Salvador, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine and yes in Israel too.
In short what we have had, probably since the 1950s as overt colonialism ended, and accelerating in the past 30-40 years as the Euro-colonial nations see that they are losing grip over the neo-colonial order, is: a debased order of international dis-rule. Dis-order.
What is going on in Georgia is a perfect example. The US has been massively violating the sprit and principles of international law by secretly interfering in the internal affairs of Georgia, where US secret services literally create astroturfed opposition and stir disorder through disruptive “protests” and riots. When the Georgians put in a rule…..exactly like the rule the US itself has….mandating that foreigners cannot secretly sponsor such activities….the US calls this authoritarianism…..while simultaneously inside the US….attempting to falsely imprison the Uhuru 3 on claims of being “foreign agents”..for merely advocating for minority rights inside the US:
It’s all intentional and all aimed at creating chaos abroad.
Which is no surprise. If you look at the underlying US foreign policy doctrine, the entire point is “full spectrum dominance” by the US….over the entire planet! Meaning that the US must be the dominant political and military actor,, and the actual countries of the region should be weak and in disarray and short of resources. Which is itself completely counter to the principles of international law and the spirit of the UN charter.
But there is clearly no “rules” based order, unless by that is meant US-led Euro-colonial disorder. Which is the only order in which the genocidal massacres going on in Palestine and Lebanon, or the US threats against the ICJ and US lies about ICJ jurisdiction can be considered in order.
You are correct in referring to US "vassals" as the US has progressively absorbed former European colonies into it's system via the IMF/World Bank in processes described by Dr Michael Hudson. Central and South America were targeted early, and the Spanish American war expanded US possessions into Asia. Not to mention breaking down the door to Japan and involvement in the Opium trade. So US history of imperial ambition goes back to the 19th century and fully blossomed from the spoils of WWII.
"US history of imperial ambition" dates to its immediate revolt in 1776 as the goal was the Ohio Territory and areas that are now in Canada. Two undeclared wars began almost immediately--against Spain for the Floridas, and against France, and the rest is mostly better known. Washington began the trend of unilateral acting, which has yet to cease. IMO, the USA became an Outlaw Empire with Polk's invasion of Mexico and theft of half its territory, although relative to Diesen's essay, it became the Outlaw US Empire on 24 October 1945 with its serial violations of the UN Charter and its own constitution.
There has been a rules based international order in place since the United Nations charter were signed in 1945. And one could say that a rules based order based on individual rights has existed since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the same UN in 1948.
As we all know, western states (and other states too, obviously) follow these principles only when they suit them. But most of the states have acknowledged them, and they are the only ones we've got.
The only rules we have had are international law and conventions and norms. That’s nothing to do with US - those have been internationally recognized.
The US has only ignored those rules and since the 1950s with its coup-fest, gradually devolved to using NO rules at all at - not even with regards to assessing the best interests of its own people when taking actions.
So, no there has no such things as “rules-based” order when we talk about the US as the dominant actor. You have to separate the spin and lies and narrative and Orwellian speak of the US state department, from reality: the US repeats words such as “rules based order” specifically to avoid describing its agenda of no rules and total disorder. And that state of affairs is BY DESIGN: its US policy doctrine to sow chaos and disorder abroad.
Exactly, that is what Italian diplomat Marco Carnelos says, "Thus, it is very tempting to believe that the RBO is referenced out of political expediency, or worse, that it is a semantic trick." (...) "The manner in which the United States has justified apparent violations of international law by its own forces or those of it[s] close friends has inevitably resulted in a cynical, albeit plausible, explanation for the US preference for the RBO … ‘a chimera, meaning whatever the US and its followers want it to mean at any given time’."
the so called rule based international order is a fig leave for not following international law as enshrined in the UN Charter. It has no legitimacy. The actual hebavior of the group of vassal states that subscribe to it are followers of mafia law.
Combined with the UN's complete lack of legitimacy, since it was a nuclear powers club from the beginning, designed and operated to baptise the wars of the powerful and demonise the wars of the rest. This is why the "Rules-Based International Order" was necessary: the constant abuse of the UN mandate by the US rendered the UN's "moral authority" (and thus legal authority) null and void. When Russia and China and India and Pakistan realised that only the US (and allies France/UK/EU/NATO) can ignore UN resolutions with impunity, the writing was on the wall. When they finally realised that no amount of pointing out the brutal hypocrisy of this circumstance was ever going to change it, then they quietly abandoned it. The UN is now little more than an off-broadway play, an unconvincing glamour show for the poor nations of the world. A bueaucratic charity machine that pays a bunch of otherwise useless trouble-makers to pretend everything is fine. The lipstick on the pig.
Since when did the rules based order acquire a distinct identity from international law? Somewhere between Kosovo and 2nd Iraq war? Then, this has never worked, only made conflicts worse and institutions fail.
International law is dead, Israel buried it. There's no coming back from it. The EU with its "inclusive" faces the risk of being "exclusive" from the rest of the world. A minister from Qatar explained it beautiful a few days ago. What we see now in the world is the last convulsion from the west. Unlike the US, the EU wield no political power, no economical power, no military power, so they're doomed.
Dismantling that "Rules-Based XYZ" we should. But the fine print missing is how. I think there are only two basic non-kinetic approaches, both with their own risks. (1) Weaken the currency used by the capitalism. (2) Wait for the Empire to collapse from within. Both options can be done by nations covertly but neither can be talked about by government officials. A dying star will expand and swallow all the planets around it before a final flare out. Whatever remains afterward can have a peaceful and quiet life for a while.
I think your time would be better spent educating the citizens of Europe that their governments are part of a global criminal enterprise. Syndicates have rules based orders instead of law. The problem is your governments are totally corrupt anti-human exploiters. Scrounge a testicle and fix your government and this problem will resolve itself.
Europeans rising up against their corporate-corrupted and/or Langley-brainwashed misleaders and shills, such as Von der Leyen, Schøltz, Starmer, Macron, Rutter, Stoltenberg Meloni etc, would not automatically resolve the problem. But it would be a start.
According to the Italian diplomat Marco Carnelos,, the term "rules-based world order" has never been explained. Obviously, it doesn't refer to the UN Charter or the Universal declaratino of human rights, but something that can be changed according to the whim of the moment.
Better to keep to something established, something at least a majority has signed up to.
Michael Hudson often remarks that when the US wants to "divide the world into liberal democracies versus authoritarian states", it really means to assert financial oligarch control against nations who resist such control. 'Autocracies' are governments that have resisted attempts by financial oligarchs to dominate the political life and the economy of a state.
In terms of soft power one could possibly argue your case that China and Russia interfere and abuse their power. When it comes to abuse of hard power, circumventing international law, and destabilizing and threatening sovereign countries - the USA is definitely number One.
I have not recently observed Canada or Mexico being armed and assisted by Russia or China to threaten American security.
Typically both China and Russia are guilty of border disputes, usually precipitated by the US interference.
The US has a very long list of destruction and interference apparently due to "American security" - which is strange, seeing as it sits quite happily between 2 huge expanses of water.
Propaganda might be believed in the moment, but as time moves on, history and facts clearly point to lies, deceit, and the complete lack of morality to American power.
Great article, but, why do you use 1999 as the invasion of Jugoslavia? operation Joint Endeavor began in late 1995. I spent several months working in HQ V Corps forward in Kaposvar, Hungary (old Russian Tazar airbase). We were already rotating Brigade level units into Bosnia-Herzigovina, Croatia and Jugoslavaia was gone. The Germans created that mess but the US fought it. It began the collapse of my belief in US moral superiority, which was completed when I learned that Sadam didn't have nuclear weapons and we had killed millions, mostly non-combatants for oil and Israel.
Isa 65:22 " they shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands....
"But truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21
God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces.
Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17
All wars shall cease.
Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3
All evil shall be suppressed.
Psalm 37:10; Revelation 20:2,3
God's judgments shall teach righteousness to all.
Isaiah 26:9; 28:17
Nothing shall ever hurt nor destroy.
Isaiah 11:9
Truth shall triumph in the earth.
Psalm 85:11
God shall write His Law in the hearts of men.
Jeremiah 31:33
All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.
Jeremiah 31:34
Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God.
Habakuk 2:14
God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17
All iniquity shall be remembered no more.
Isaiah 55:7
All shall rejoice as sorrow and sighing flee away.
Isaiah 35:10
There shall be no more death, sorrow or pain.
Revelation 21:4,5
There shall be no more sickness.
Isaiah 33:24
The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Isaiah 35:5
The earth shall yield her increase.
Psalm 67:6
The desert shall blossom as the rose.
Isaiah 35:1
The ransomed of the Lord shall return from death.
Isaiah 35:10
One shall not build and another inhabit, nor plant and another take, nor shall any labor in vain.
Isaiah 65:22,23
Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.
Micah 4:4
God shall multiply the fruitage of the earth.
Psalm 67:6; 85:12
There shall be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26
The earth shall become like a Garden of Eden.
Isaiah 51:3... To Be Restored !
* Isa 26:19 " Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust! For your dew is like the dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. "..To a ever growing sustainable environment !
Isa 65:22 " they shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands....
"But truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21
God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces.
Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17
All wars shall cease.
Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3
All evil shall be suppressed.
Psalm 37:10; Revelation 20:2,3
God's judgments shall teach righteousness to all.
Isaiah 26:9; 28:17
Nothing shall ever hurt nor destroy.
Isaiah 11:9
Truth shall triumph in the earth.
Psalm 85:11
God shall write His Law in the hearts of men.
Jeremiah 31:33
All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.
Jeremiah 31:34
Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God.
Habakuk 2:14
God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17
All iniquity shall be remembered no more.
Isaiah 55:7
All shall rejoice as sorrow and sighing flee away.
Isaiah 35:10
There shall be no more death, sorrow or pain.
Revelation 21:4,5
There shall be no more sickness.
Isaiah 33:24
The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Isaiah 35:5
The earth shall yield her increase.
Psalm 67:6
The desert shall blossom as the rose.
Isaiah 35:1
The ransomed of the Lord shall return from death.
Isaiah 35:10
One shall not build and another inhabit, nor plant and another take, nor shall any labor in vain.
Isaiah 65:22,23
Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.
Micah 4:4
God shall multiply the fruitage of the earth.
Psalm 67:6; 85:12
There shall be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26
The earth shall become like a Garden of Eden.
Isaiah 51:3...
* Isa 26:19 " Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust! For your dew is like the dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. "..To a ever growing sustainable environment !
There has never been a “rules based international order”. That’s nothing but noise and spin spread by the US PR machine and the vassals.
What we have had is: the US systematically undermining international law and in fact ignoring human rights law, refusing to subject itself to the international human rights norms and conventions, and increasingly sponsoring terrorists and murderous militia and even official death squads everywhere, from Guatemala to El Salvador, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine and yes in Israel too.
In short what we have had, probably since the 1950s as overt colonialism ended, and accelerating in the past 30-40 years as the Euro-colonial nations see that they are losing grip over the neo-colonial order, is: a debased order of international dis-rule. Dis-order.
What is going on in Georgia is a perfect example. The US has been massively violating the sprit and principles of international law by secretly interfering in the internal affairs of Georgia, where US secret services literally create astroturfed opposition and stir disorder through disruptive “protests” and riots. When the Georgians put in a rule…..exactly like the rule the US itself has….mandating that foreigners cannot secretly sponsor such activities….the US calls this authoritarianism…..while simultaneously inside the US….attempting to falsely imprison the Uhuru 3 on claims of being “foreign agents”..for merely advocating for minority rights inside the US:
It’s all intentional and all aimed at creating chaos abroad.
Which is no surprise. If you look at the underlying US foreign policy doctrine, the entire point is “full spectrum dominance” by the US….over the entire planet! Meaning that the US must be the dominant political and military actor,, and the actual countries of the region should be weak and in disarray and short of resources. Which is itself completely counter to the principles of international law and the spirit of the UN charter.
But there is clearly no “rules” based order, unless by that is meant US-led Euro-colonial disorder. Which is the only order in which the genocidal massacres going on in Palestine and Lebanon, or the US threats against the ICJ and US lies about ICJ jurisdiction can be considered in order.
You are correct in referring to US "vassals" as the US has progressively absorbed former European colonies into it's system via the IMF/World Bank in processes described by Dr Michael Hudson. Central and South America were targeted early, and the Spanish American war expanded US possessions into Asia. Not to mention breaking down the door to Japan and involvement in the Opium trade. So US history of imperial ambition goes back to the 19th century and fully blossomed from the spoils of WWII.
"US history of imperial ambition" dates to its immediate revolt in 1776 as the goal was the Ohio Territory and areas that are now in Canada. Two undeclared wars began almost immediately--against Spain for the Floridas, and against France, and the rest is mostly better known. Washington began the trend of unilateral acting, which has yet to cease. IMO, the USA became an Outlaw Empire with Polk's invasion of Mexico and theft of half its territory, although relative to Diesen's essay, it became the Outlaw US Empire on 24 October 1945 with its serial violations of the UN Charter and its own constitution.
There has been a rules based international order in place since the United Nations charter were signed in 1945. And one could say that a rules based order based on individual rights has existed since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the same UN in 1948.
As we all know, western states (and other states too, obviously) follow these principles only when they suit them. But most of the states have acknowledged them, and they are the only ones we've got.
The only rules we have had are international law and conventions and norms. That’s nothing to do with US - those have been internationally recognized.
The US has only ignored those rules and since the 1950s with its coup-fest, gradually devolved to using NO rules at all at - not even with regards to assessing the best interests of its own people when taking actions.
So, no there has no such things as “rules-based” order when we talk about the US as the dominant actor. You have to separate the spin and lies and narrative and Orwellian speak of the US state department, from reality: the US repeats words such as “rules based order” specifically to avoid describing its agenda of no rules and total disorder. And that state of affairs is BY DESIGN: its US policy doctrine to sow chaos and disorder abroad.
Exactly, that is what Italian diplomat Marco Carnelos says, "Thus, it is very tempting to believe that the RBO is referenced out of political expediency, or worse, that it is a semantic trick." (...) "The manner in which the United States has justified apparent violations of international law by its own forces or those of it[s] close friends has inevitably resulted in a cynical, albeit plausible, explanation for the US preference for the RBO … ‘a chimera, meaning whatever the US and its followers want it to mean at any given time’."
the so called rule based international order is a fig leave for not following international law as enshrined in the UN Charter. It has no legitimacy. The actual hebavior of the group of vassal states that subscribe to it are followers of mafia law.
Combined with the UN's complete lack of legitimacy, since it was a nuclear powers club from the beginning, designed and operated to baptise the wars of the powerful and demonise the wars of the rest. This is why the "Rules-Based International Order" was necessary: the constant abuse of the UN mandate by the US rendered the UN's "moral authority" (and thus legal authority) null and void. When Russia and China and India and Pakistan realised that only the US (and allies France/UK/EU/NATO) can ignore UN resolutions with impunity, the writing was on the wall. When they finally realised that no amount of pointing out the brutal hypocrisy of this circumstance was ever going to change it, then they quietly abandoned it. The UN is now little more than an off-broadway play, an unconvincing glamour show for the poor nations of the world. A bueaucratic charity machine that pays a bunch of otherwise useless trouble-makers to pretend everything is fine. The lipstick on the pig.
Since when did the rules based order acquire a distinct identity from international law? Somewhere between Kosovo and 2nd Iraq war? Then, this has never worked, only made conflicts worse and institutions fail.
International law is dead, Israel buried it. There's no coming back from it. The EU with its "inclusive" faces the risk of being "exclusive" from the rest of the world. A minister from Qatar explained it beautiful a few days ago. What we see now in the world is the last convulsion from the west. Unlike the US, the EU wield no political power, no economical power, no military power, so they're doomed.
let the EU be doomed, the Euro is a disaster! hopefully, one day, there's a return to separate nation states.
Dismantling that "Rules-Based XYZ" we should. But the fine print missing is how. I think there are only two basic non-kinetic approaches, both with their own risks. (1) Weaken the currency used by the capitalism. (2) Wait for the Empire to collapse from within. Both options can be done by nations covertly but neither can be talked about by government officials. A dying star will expand and swallow all the planets around it before a final flare out. Whatever remains afterward can have a peaceful and quiet life for a while.
There is another, and it works the best. War!
Strong clear language to describe what’s happening about the Faux Order of Law.
Glad you’ve done it.
I think your time would be better spent educating the citizens of Europe that their governments are part of a global criminal enterprise. Syndicates have rules based orders instead of law. The problem is your governments are totally corrupt anti-human exploiters. Scrounge a testicle and fix your government and this problem will resolve itself.
Europeans rising up against their corporate-corrupted and/or Langley-brainwashed misleaders and shills, such as Von der Leyen, Schøltz, Starmer, Macron, Rutter, Stoltenberg Meloni etc, would not automatically resolve the problem. But it would be a start.
trying. not easy. let's get out of the disasterous Euro ASAP!!
1999 really was the end of the world. Like that song. Yugoslavia invasion basically marked the end of rule of law, the beginning of rule of lawfare.
Lawfare is how we all end up in jail, except of course those pardoned by a sitting but dead president.
Prove to me Joe Biden is still alive.
Show me one piece of evidence. Just one.
Who would want to be joe Biden?
The only rule of value is the rule of thumb and rule of freedom.
Once you get old no one will pick you up hitchhiking, if you don't have a car you can't go in America....
The rule of freedom is meant to be.
Rule of freedom for you and me.
Rule of freedom from sea to shining sea, sea to shining sea, sea to shining
According to the Italian diplomat Marco Carnelos,, the term "rules-based world order" has never been explained. Obviously, it doesn't refer to the UN Charter or the Universal declaratino of human rights, but something that can be changed according to the whim of the moment.
Better to keep to something established, something at least a majority has signed up to.
"might makes right" aka bullying.
Michael Hudson often remarks that when the US wants to "divide the world into liberal democracies versus authoritarian states", it really means to assert financial oligarch control against nations who resist such control. 'Autocracies' are governments that have resisted attempts by financial oligarchs to dominate the political life and the economy of a state.
Dear Professor,
What you describe as US actions are equally valid for the actions of Russia and China .
As you know very well from your studies and writings there is no morality in Power particularly in Geopolitics but not only there.
Gravity has no morality either .
The rest is propaganda from one side or the other .
Sometimes we believe our own propaganda,some times we choose to believe somebody else’s
Dear Doctor Kokkinos,
In terms of soft power one could possibly argue your case that China and Russia interfere and abuse their power. When it comes to abuse of hard power, circumventing international law, and destabilizing and threatening sovereign countries - the USA is definitely number One.
I have not recently observed Canada or Mexico being armed and assisted by Russia or China to threaten American security.
Typically both China and Russia are guilty of border disputes, usually precipitated by the US interference.
The US has a very long list of destruction and interference apparently due to "American security" - which is strange, seeing as it sits quite happily between 2 huge expanses of water.
Propaganda might be believed in the moment, but as time moves on, history and facts clearly point to lies, deceit, and the complete lack of morality to American power.
Great article, but, why do you use 1999 as the invasion of Jugoslavia? operation Joint Endeavor began in late 1995. I spent several months working in HQ V Corps forward in Kaposvar, Hungary (old Russian Tazar airbase). We were already rotating Brigade level units into Bosnia-Herzigovina, Croatia and Jugoslavaia was gone. The Germans created that mess but the US fought it. It began the collapse of my belief in US moral superiority, which was completed when I learned that Sadam didn't have nuclear weapons and we had killed millions, mostly non-combatants for oil and Israel.
Superb is the least
Isa 65:22 " they shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands....
"But truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21
God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces.
Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17
All wars shall cease.
Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3
All evil shall be suppressed.
Psalm 37:10; Revelation 20:2,3
God's judgments shall teach righteousness to all.
Isaiah 26:9; 28:17
Nothing shall ever hurt nor destroy.
Isaiah 11:9
Truth shall triumph in the earth.
Psalm 85:11
God shall write His Law in the hearts of men.
Jeremiah 31:33
All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.
Jeremiah 31:34
Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God.
Habakuk 2:14
God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17
All iniquity shall be remembered no more.
Isaiah 55:7
All shall rejoice as sorrow and sighing flee away.
Isaiah 35:10
There shall be no more death, sorrow or pain.
Revelation 21:4,5
There shall be no more sickness.
Isaiah 33:24
The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Isaiah 35:5
The earth shall yield her increase.
Psalm 67:6
The desert shall blossom as the rose.
Isaiah 35:1
The ransomed of the Lord shall return from death.
Isaiah 35:10
One shall not build and another inhabit, nor plant and another take, nor shall any labor in vain.
Isaiah 65:22,23
Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.
Micah 4:4
God shall multiply the fruitage of the earth.
Psalm 67:6; 85:12
There shall be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26
The earth shall become like a Garden of Eden.
Isaiah 51:3... To Be Restored !
* Isa 26:19 " Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust! For your dew is like the dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. "..To a ever growing sustainable environment !
Isa 65:22 " they shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands....
"But truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21
God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces.
Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17
All wars shall cease.
Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3
All evil shall be suppressed.
Psalm 37:10; Revelation 20:2,3
God's judgments shall teach righteousness to all.
Isaiah 26:9; 28:17
Nothing shall ever hurt nor destroy.
Isaiah 11:9
Truth shall triumph in the earth.
Psalm 85:11
God shall write His Law in the hearts of men.
Jeremiah 31:33
All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.
Jeremiah 31:34
Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God.
Habakuk 2:14
God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17
All iniquity shall be remembered no more.
Isaiah 55:7
All shall rejoice as sorrow and sighing flee away.
Isaiah 35:10
There shall be no more death, sorrow or pain.
Revelation 21:4,5
There shall be no more sickness.
Isaiah 33:24
The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Isaiah 35:5
The earth shall yield her increase.
Psalm 67:6
The desert shall blossom as the rose.
Isaiah 35:1
The ransomed of the Lord shall return from death.
Isaiah 35:10
One shall not build and another inhabit, nor plant and another take, nor shall any labor in vain.
Isaiah 65:22,23
Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.
Micah 4:4
God shall multiply the fruitage of the earth.
Psalm 67:6; 85:12
There shall be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26
The earth shall become like a Garden of Eden.
Isaiah 51:3...
* Isa 26:19 " Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust! For your dew is like the dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. "..To a ever growing sustainable environment !