Who is the Number 1 Enemy of the United States?

By Chinese author Zhuo Chin Ling

March 24, 2023 - TV3

1. The greatest threat to the United States is not China, but peace.

2. Global peace would spell the end of the American dollar empire, which is built around war, the war economy, and war-driven commerce.

3. In a world of peace, Americans would be at a loss.

4. Many of those employed merely to instigate conflicts and utilize their tools would become jobless.

5. The entire military-industrial complex would collapse.

6. All U.S. military bases across the globe, as well as aircraft carriers, military planes, intercontinental ballistic missiles, weapons of mass destruction, and supporting war industries, would become obsolete.

7. Unemployment would become the number one issue in the United States as the American war machine grinds to a halt due to inefficiency, leaving all CIA operators without jobs.

8. All fabricated news about threats and enemies would become the subject of ridicule.

9. The nearly one trillion dollar military budget would become exorbitant in the absence of wars and enemies.

10. In a peaceful world, Americans would have to create employment for themselves, to make themselves useful once again as responsible citizens—not as war instigators, killers, or war profiteers.

11. There would be no buyers for the expensive war machine, and no need for military alliances, also known as “allies.”

The U.S. administration condemned the recent peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, brokered by China, labeling it a threat to American interests.

The administration is fully prepared to break this peace agreement.

This demonstrates how the U.S. administration (and not the innocent majority of the American people) is fully prepared to either make war or oppose peace.

Peace is against the interests of the U.S. administration, an evil empire that thrives on wars and instability, selling weapons for killing and destruction in conflicts.

The U.S. administration also denounced China’s proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine and the initiation of peace negotiations, asserting that a ceasefire could not take place.

The people of the world have awakened to the malice of the U.S. administration. Everyone desires peace, except for the U.S. administration!

Only the blind and fools continue to support the evil, war-mongering U.S. administration and its wicked ways.

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"In Washington, there were great incentives to use the large proxy army it had built in Ukraine to weaken Russia as a strategic rival,"

Is anyone going to notice that Russia is stronger now than it has ever been?

I'm not expecting the architects of this war to ever pay the price for their crimes, in this life, but I would be gratified if at least one professional commentator could publicly notice that the consequences of the war have been the exact opposite of what they predicted/promised.

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The Ukraine War is the US equivalent of the pre-WW I German Schlieffen Plan.

The core of the Schlieffen Plan was to knock out France, so that Germany could focus on its truly existential enemy, Russia.

Similarly, the objective of Schlieffen 2.0 was to knock out Russia, so that the US could focus on China.

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These liars have no conscience. Thank you for your work against them.

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The Arrogance. Look at a map. Russia is the biggest country, sits on top of the world, and professes a working living faith in God.

America has been built on genocide and love of money.

What separates Russia and America?

Oceans of Arrogance....

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You have outdone yourself with this piece Glen. One of the best summary of why the Ukraine conflict has dragged on for so long and why Ukraine was set up for destruction by the west. Complete with extremely good references to support every argument and events that unfolded in 2022.

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The clearest most succinct account I have read of this horrible war. Many thanks.

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Excellent synopsis of the recent history surrounding this tragic war. I will be sharing this with family and friends. Thank you

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and Peace.


In ‘Department Press Briefing’, US Department of State, 21 March 2022 Statement I paraphrase as - that the war was bigger then and more significant than most could see, that hidden nebulous agendas were in play. And as such it was unending until those hidden goals of Zionist serving USA were completed.

I would and do argue those hidden goals are (not in order of priority);

* To cycle out old military equipment and stockpiles causing reordering and new sales to corp-military contractors.

* To greatly increase USA dept to private owned Federal Reserve increasing their usury daily profits for money created out of thin-air and increasing inflation, which much like tax policies for average people is intended to impoverish, to reduce practical liberties, and similar repressions.

* To genocide in a mini-Holodomor focused against white Christian men, [potential] fathers, protector of society, so once gone leaving women, children and crippled men those who desire may traffic the remaining, perhaps harvesting organs from crippled men, reshaping society more into a Godless hell-hole like the USA is becoming.

* To cause rebuilding of areas paid for by tax-payers in USA (see above about Fed.Reserve) and other Western countries increasing hardship and increased poverty to productive workers, rebuilding going to select corp.s such as BlackRock - known to have forced anti merit white men's; holding-back of promotions, throwing away of job application, and similar - the slow silent Holodomor, the destruction of white Christian-valued based founder stock, the reduction of families and children below replacement and such under the pretense of diversity - the destruction of the 10% global population of Western whites pretending non-genocidal intent.

* To form a vacation home area for Wealthy & powerful where few but laborers and local service people under serf-like repression who's miserable struggling may amuse vacationers.

* Another step in destroying trust and credibility of the USA Nation.

* {Readers' observed intents}


It is interesting to me how the stated punitive unJust goals of those in power in USA have resulted in opposite results as it did for Russia (a country as wealthy in untapped resources and potential as the USA once was, or more so), and in Iran;

- Sanctions with a stated goal of weaking Russia actually was cause for Russia to become more independent,

- to motivate a monetary system (BRICS) that could not be weaponized to move forward,

- And as stated that war would Weaken Russia when it seems to have been not unlike war exercises for them - tightening them up, making more effective, removing deadwood,

- causing international agreements with other long unJustly abused and powerful nations such as Iran, China, India, some of those agreements seem to be military in nature, like BRICS is intended to remove abusive vicious powerful from weaponizing monetary policies,

- the results of such inJustice from USA and Western puppets is, it seems, that groups of once 2ndary world powers can face the delusional West and increasingly weakening USA toe-to-toe.


The sliminess of the minions in UN and-or international court that specified Putin for arrest for possible war crimes has the 'ring' of the Sweeden's false rape accusation against Assange - rejected by the women that were named as victims -for political reason of extraction as lying minion of USA and to reduce effective opposition in world support of him by over 1/2 as many women assume all such accusations are true, and men are often attacked for seeming to support such a assumed sexual criminal (and - as a side - 15-YO and older False Accusers should be publicly Pained&Shamed as first step, no public whipping scaring needed, tasered till pissing & screaming in public area and videoed, posted on-line would do well to stop most false accusations), ..


.. the accusation was based on a clearly false interpretation with corp-gov-media amplification of his removal of children from a war zone o safety with no intension of separating long-term from parents, warped into stealing children.

If Justly handled the sources of such lies and those that act on them - knowing them false - could be public Pained&Shame along with everyone that supported them into such positions of power, to start with - the days of public hanging of such unTruth, unJust, disOrering actors is missed, and the absence of even the threat of such happening - has turned many now in power into immune Satanic tools.


I find that as reported in published article ‘Possibility of talks between Zelenskyy and Putin came to a halt after Johnson’s visit - UP sources’, Ukraniska Pravda, 5 May 2022, as significant.

One of the two main messages is '.. that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they [the UK and US] are not.'

Such a statement come with the clear implication that Ukraine is not a sovereign nation, that since the CIA overthrow of their democratic gov in 2014 (in the ugly burning alive law-makers locked in building, snipers killing protesters, and related evils,) and with USA deciding their puppets in gov., that they are owned - a tool to use any way the USA deepstate choose, their population much as Palestinians are considered by israelis that the USA supports - or the USA hopes to someday treat it's population (once they unarmed) - to be killed or used contemptibly, with less rights then wild-beasts.


Sadly, one must wonder at the Change of values in Boris Johnson since his extended 'covid' illness, as only a light followers of Uk law-makes, often noticing the types of ones we could use in this Zionist controlled puppet filled Fed. Gov, the Changes makes me wonder if torture and mind-control brainwashing was used on him - I would rather think that of him then such actions that increase horror and deaths and such that results in every single extra day of war, and if contrived needless war - the depth of endless inJustice requires Death - Death as the only Justice to those immune to laws or sanity.


All rest of details aside, I was pissed when the genocide of White Christians men and rest as mentioned by the same eastern European ancestral Jews that were in control of post-revolution Russia and directed the starvation of 10+ million of Ukrainian Christians - a more acceptable fact today with the dead festering soul of some sects of Jews openly displayed in their rotten poison fruit, the openly covered and exposed burning of children alive, killing 100's of thousands through not only bombing but arranged intended starvation, sickness, etc, ..


.. such was less believable at the time - when not suppressed in the news media of the time - unbelievable unless you received eyewitness accounts - as Germans and others did from escaped survivors.

Something to think about as one considers powerful wealthy sect of Jews publicly disOrdering German society with homosexuality, transexual mutilations, and other deviate social behavior (Nazi book-burning was never explained to be the pornography and related books.) Those overt public displays to burn into the public the falsity that all Jews were such, and those wealthy Jews left - leaving the regular and struggling Jews in Europe to be sacrificed for those other's Profit in publicity, in the false accusations of extra 5.6 millions of never alive murdered by intent, not the 300-400 thousands that is reasonable to believe of the impossible 6 million, that died not in gas-chambers but in regular starvation-sickness under a war-losing resource-poor gov. in labor camps.)

Instead of those rational considered beliefs and through history re-writing, laws, where research and questions are made illegal in some countries, Instead we suffered intended false corp-media, indoctrinating schooling, physiological abuse for generations - those 5.6 million lie-based forms of evil haunting us to this day, weakening all to any unJust accusation by one with guaranteed social-legal-attack because of those 'undead never-lived' haunters.

The Holocaust related lies can be Seen as a kind of self-accusation by projection of the intended clear genocide of10 millions of real dead Christians in Ukraine.

And to obfuscate the real history of British Empire's Master, the Private City of London and USA connected banking-investment powerful connections that was behind start of WWI and the forcing a anti-war majority population of USA into it on the side of the aggressors, that sect willing to kill any number of white Christians against white Christians, in reprisal to the rejection of usury enslavement and political control in the budding German Empire of the time.

The unJust loss in that war is exemplified in the unJust reprisal-based surrender agreement Germany was forced to sign and then the repression that followed alone with the Just resentment and Anger caused WWII .. a war that try as they might the festering-evil led side was unable to kill in exposure and starvation all the surrendered Germans solders or fire-bomb cities not related to war-machines, could not genocide all the victims of their inJustice (as seen in israel's want to remove all victims of their 75+ years of evil) ..

.. so unable to remove all living testimony to the good German Character, instead used psychological abuse and torment to break and cripple them and their youth, and the West's children, weaking and making easy victims of us all and all we loved - with those 5.6 millions undead and the narrative of self-accusation of their festering Sick poison souls, as on display in israel today.

Now does that seem more reasonable a history then the re-written version lie we suffer today?

God Bless., Steve

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Thank you for making the story indisputable. Finally something to use in discussion against the hawkish zombies

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Why not consider China’s one country two systems solution to the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine. Let Donbass etc remain part of Ukraine, but give them autonomy over monetary, fiscal, trade policies, even having their own currency. They can even form an economic union with Russia which the rest of Ukraine would be better off joining than seeking EU membership. And of course, no NATO expansion.

The people of Donbas can even participate in the Olympics under their own flag, like Hong Kong and Taipei.

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For there to be an agreement, there must be trust. How can trust be built with people who in the words of Sergei Lavrov are "agreement incapable".

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A most useful pulling together of evidence to support a timeline which seems absolutely right to me.🙏

It was always going to be a tragedy once the initial negotiations were derailed, but its extent has exceeded even the more dire expectations.

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