A very appropriate consequence to this proxy war! The U.S. and NATO have gallons of blood on their hands as this war should never have happened! Many people dead and wounded all for American hubris and hegemony! The West is truly sick! Viva the Russian Federation!

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Russia crushing the Banderans while disarming NATO was a WEF failed hegemonic plan, not specifically American. Fortunately, the oligarchs and the planners failed to recognize that Russia is a high tech autarky backstopped by a couple of significant players in Asia and a growing booster-club of both people and nations in Africa and the Americas.

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There is another factor which the US led West to have failed to factor in, that being, that Russia and China are now actually intricably linked, as Russia is now a major market for Chinese goods as China gets shut out of Western markets through both tariffs and sanctions, and Russia is now China's major raw material and energy supplier, without which the Chinese economy will be crippled, as the West continues to target China too.

If the situation were ever to arise, that by some miracle the West were to get an upper hand over Russia, China would most certainly militarily step in, to avoid becoming cut off from both their market and critical supplier.

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Spot on. There are maps floating around the internet from our MIC "think tanks" showing how many countries Russia and China could be broken up into once they are "free and democratic," meaning run by us. Russia and China know that either they win together or lose together. Ironically, what U.S. politicians worked hard to prevent in the 1970s—a close relationship between China and Russia—is now a fact.

And those two countries are a perfect match. Russia, as the largest country in the world, is swimming in natural resources. China is now the second largest economy (in PPP terms, the largest economy), and its manufacturing capacity is now double that of the U.S.

In addition, China now sells more to the Global South than to the U.S., Europe, and Japan combined, limiting our leverage.

Those two are now strong allies—in large part "thanks" to us.

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Remember also that the US has been subsidising China's industrial base to the tune of roughly 500 billion US dollars per year, every year for several decades.

That's not any contradiction of your observations - or it's not intended to be, anyway - but simply a reminder that's there could be more happening than meets the eye.

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Please provide a credible reference to this supposed US subsidisation of China.

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The US/China balance of trade is publicly available information. It has been a subject of political controvery for many years but has not substantially changed during the last 20 years.

As others have noted, when a policy remains unchanged by those with the power to change it, you can be sure that its continuation is to the advantage of those same people.

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That's Not Subsidisation!!!

That's Trade, China manufactures at a price the US can't compete with, forcing the US to buy from China.

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If you say so.

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China will never step in to militarily aid Russia. Even in the best of circumstances, China is a fair-weather friend pursuing its own agenda. If you think Putin isn't aware of this, think again. But now the CCP has its hands full with a miserable economy that's slipping into a full scale depression. To prevent its populace from getting even more agitated, the CCP will use the tried-and-true method of starting a war (with Taiwan) in order to divert the people's attention.

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Protecting Russia is in China's best interest!

Where has China ever deserted their allies???

You don't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation for China, if Russia were to fall.

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You're projecting, not dealing with reality. China doesn't have allies, it has interests, the same as the US. And a quick check of various Youtube channels will reveal that China has numerous, serious internal problems to deal with, that are just getting worse. It has neither the time nor resources to aid Russia, which by all indicators can readily take care of itself.

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You're the dogmatic blabber mouth who can't deal with reality.

It's your American indoctrination at play, which is the very reason why the US is being Ass whipped.

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I always tune in to The Lotus Eaters and The Epoch Times podcasts when I want to get the unvarnished truth about China and not....wait for it ... propaganda.

Do you believe the West intentionally deindustrializing has been good for the West?

China has a very large and growing industrial base. It is better to have a very large and under utilized industrial base than it is to have sold your industrial base to Mexico and then China.

You would probably do well on Newsweek war porn threads.

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Right! China gonna invade Taiwan so it can destroy billions of dollars worth of high tech production capacity and all as a distraction for the agitated people.

Taiwan is internationally recognized as being part of China. Please explain how China can invade China?

Hahaha... you are unintentionally hilarious.

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"Russia has now aligned itself closer with China and a just peace in Ukraine is likely not achievable."

What does the West expect? The West systematically, and in a highly irrational manner, exerts pressure on Russia for decades and they are surprised when Russia cultivates relationships with other non-aligned rational actors on the global stage? The fact that the West still think about the relationship between two rational nations as "bringing Russia and China closer together" is indicative of intelectual immaturity, and demonstrates that the West has learned nothing from this particular conflict, and from the last few decades of political interference and state - or block - sponsored terrorism.

And what the West is not willing to accept is that there will be a "just peace" in Ukraine - but completely on Russia's terms - that is the only possible outcome. The West - specifically the rogue US regime - has proven itself time and time again to be untrustworthy and irrational. Russia has no choice but to impose it's just peace on Ukraine, however the West sees it.

The US regime / Western obsession with game theory will be it's undoing - the world of geopolitics is not a zero-sum game, and treating it as such is reductive at best, and calamitous at worst.

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If only the European war makers-Macron etc- had been obliged to publicly debate professor Diesen! Not one person in a thousand would have agreed to this disgraceful and tragic war.

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Great video Mr. Diesen, may I take the opportunity to join here my article :

The Road to War in Ukraine : a Timeline@, which clearly shows the West's nefarious role over the decades (all sourced):


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This war about Ukraine has much deeper roots:

But, it is a simple story. 'King on the heap' through 'split and rule (=chaos).

In western Europe it goes like this, and much more than 1 or -2000 years.

- Even long before Charlemagne attacked the Saxons. He won in 782 at Verden (Niedersachsen).

Charlemagne then threatened Denmark.

The Viking attack on Lindisfarne in 793, was an attack on the think-tank of Charlemagne.

Denmark defended itself with the wall 'Danevirke' - built mainly under the Danish King Godfred. a few years later. Charlemagne's head adviser was a monk from Lindisfarne, 'Thomas', I think his name was.

The rest of the story is well known, the "Danes, Norwegians and Normans" conquered England. The Normans then took South Italy, Sicily etc. From England, they continued and beat Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Germany, Japan, but got blocked - by Russia.

So here we are ... - Halford Mackinder told us the setup in 1904 ('Pivot of history').

It is still valid (because "the elite" think so, still), unless Trump rewrites the manuscript.

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Nice concise summary of events but the unconditional defeat of NATO belongs to the elite mindset of those who seek to govern the people of Europe. The people are unchained with the physical practicality to survive their leaders foolishness I think.

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Response to this from Langley: Mission Accomplished.

Europe has now been fatally crippled, turned into a total vassal of the US with no possible other allies or autonomy. And most important the spigots of European tax coffers have been ripped open, and the contents pouring into the pockets of the war profiteering industry, which the US dominates.

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Hey...Europeans have an ingrained desire to serve masters. I personally believe since Europe disdains liberty that they should be ruled and thoroughly extorted by the US rather than Globalists, Russia or anyone else.

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If one were to have taken my “course” all of this would have been avoided. This is because with regard to the US’s foreign policy my “course” recommends that we would have followed the exact advice of people like George Kennan and John Mearsheimer.

In the same vein, largely because of the same reasons, the vast majority of problems associated with the situation in Israel would have been avoided.

We’ve had a series of very poor leaders who’ve had zero vision for what truly needs to be done in order for the human race as a species to make it through the next few decades let alone the next few hundred years.

This is where my “course” comes in. It addresses all of these things and then some. It leaves no stone unturned.

It’s a roadmap for what we should be trying to achieve and how we should be trying to manage the myriad of problems we’re facing.

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😠 Russian forces in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine have intensified their efforts to strip local residents of rights, targeting individuals who have not accepted Russian citizenship.


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The US killed two birds with one stone - attack Russia and subjugate Europe.

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Professor Diesen, the international relations scholar John Mearsheimer who predicted the war in Ukraine stated: "Russia is a declining power, and it will only get weaker with time." https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia-fsu/2014-08-18/why-ukraine-crisis-west-s-fault

Do you believe that Russia is a declining power? Russia does have a sky-high inflation rate, labor shortages, a demographic crisis and the risk of stagflation is ratcheting up as company bankrupties are rising in Russia.

Also, if Russia "wins" this war, will it be a pyrrhic victory? For example, besides making its demographic crisis worse, and selling oil to China/Russia at a lower profit margin than it was selling to the West, Russia is suffering a brain drain due to many educated/tech people leaving the country to flee the draft. In addition, while Saudi Arabia and the UAE are diversifying their economies away from oil while Russia admits it is not doing well in diversifying its economy. This is not good for Russia's future economy (See: https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_Russian_oil:_Lower_future_production/profits_due_to_future_higher_extraction_costs_and_other_inefficiencies ).

I cover some of the ways the war has hurt Russia's economy at: https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_Why_I_am_not_bullish_on_Russia%27s_future

By the way, it seems to me like the biggest winners of this war are India/China who got cheap oil. India is a benevolent rising power. China's economy is beginning to see decline via signs of Japanification (a type of economic decline).

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Moving right along, so that unanswerable, inconvenient comments from the prior article will quickly be forgotten...

“..so the mood (in Europe) is definitely shifting.” To which the response can only be, don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

FACT: Ukraine always finds more military resources to continue its fight with Russia. HOPIUM: One or more of Ukraine's military resources will soon be reduced to zero.

Russia's version of Groundhog Day will just keep creeping along, this year, next year, five years from now, ten years from now... Assuming that Russia finally completes a military takeover of its four annexed oblasts, that will bring it no closer to achieving the goals Putin advertised for the SMO.

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To quote you from a comment above; "You're projecting, not dealing with reality."

Perhaps instead of complaining about false narratives you could give us your counter-argument, a comprehensive article, duly referenced, explaining why Professor Diesen has this all wrong, why the Russian General Staff (amateurs all, apparently) will be fighting an intractable decade long war going nowhere.

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The British went through decades of The Troubles due to an Irish insurgency via the IRA. Russia could face an insurgency and guerilla warfare for decades. See: https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:_Russian_military_weaknesses#Russian_army_and_its_weaknesses_relative_to_guerilla_warfare

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The Banderan army isn't finding or receiving the military resources it needs much less the trained men to use them.

There isn't much difference between zero resources snd lacking the expert ability to use and repair the limited resources it has. For most of the last three years the Banderan army has been critically short of resources and expertise which creates a cascading effect for systemic failures which results in Russia liberating more territory at a faster rate.

I doubt the Banderan army can stay in the field for another year. The RUF is still fielding more units into the SMO and Kursk. These units aren't just given a month of training then thrown into the lines. They train as a unit for at least 9 months, some more than a year.

Six months ago the second largest army in the Ukraine was Russian. Today the second largest army in the Ukraine is Ukrainian.

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