Prof. Diesen, I am so very glad to see that the articles of your publication are receiving such support.

Your study of geopolitical power structures & history and your voice of reason are so needed and welcome in our age of politically motivated and ill-conceived narrative.

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Amusingly, it seems the NATO countries are going to embark on a new arms-race, which quite obviously is going to tank their weak economies.

It seems the claims that Raygun made are going to finally come true - in reverse.

It will be the West that bankrupts itself attempting to keep up with the Russians, and crashing the American Empire in the process.

People often say "Karma is a bitch", but actually female dogs are nice, and so can she be. :)

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Excellent account.

Tusen takk

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War is the European way. From time to time, after particularly bloody episodes, there is a kind of chastened acknowledgment that state organised killing is bad form, but the mood passes quickly. A general revulsion and deep moral antipathy might be effective. For example, what if the word warmonger was as wounding a pejorative as racist?

An alternative: introduce a rule that those who vote for war go to war: after all, they are “leaders”aren’t they?

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The word warmonger is just as bad as racist as far as I am concerned. It always has been.

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Feb 11Edited

Mr. Diesen,

Your / This post here was mentioned on "Moon of Alabama"


Check that website out !!!!

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Excellent and compelling analysis - thank you for sharing it with the public!

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Exactly. Nato expansionism, or more precisely, imperialism is what it is all about. People in the US and EU are not only deceived, they also calculate underlying that they will profit from Nato imperialism according to the so called Pareto optimality. They are loyal to their imperialist politicians who have promoted economic growth and this way provided them with increased income and thus increased consumption opportunities (so they can participate in the CO-2 climate filth). Don´t forget that in Denmark, for instance, people have, according to Danske Bank, on average more than 200.000 Danish kroner/30.000 Euros in the bank. So people in general in the US and EU are not innocent sheep, but just as corrupted as their politicians and media. That´s why they easily buy the US/EU narrative that "Russia unprovoked invaded Ukraine", that it why they buy the fake that it was not the US-neo-nazis who created regime change in Ukraine in 2014, but the "Ukrainian people". And that is why they support Nato´s war against Russia to the last Ukranian.

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Thanks for your great work Glenn!

We've shared the link on our daily report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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This presentation is so succinct, so clear and forceful, that I had to encourage others to watch it with praise:

Diesen Masterclass: NATO Expansionism as the Root Case of the NATO-Russia Ukraine War; YesXorNo; 2025-02-04


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An extraordinary video – a MUST watch (Chase Gaiser & Ian Carroll)


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It seems like Russia can’t even bury its own soldiers properly.

“Here are the trucks standing there, they brought corpses on it.”

This is one of the numerous mass graves in the so-called “LDNR.” Human hands and shovels are not enough to deal with the burial of “missing persons” on such an industrial scale.


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There is no need for such a predominantly Warmongering Land Grabbing Organisation run by unelected bureaucrats and Army Generals whose Job is Warfare not Peace Keeping if we think about the Nuclear Weapons held by all the major Nations on Earth We Don’t Need NATO or America or Russia to start the End of Days The insane Monster in Tel Aviv is more of a Danger to Peace than any other World Leader. What follows is Fact not Fake News not Propaganda and Certainly NOT LIES NATO with the backing of America And the Apartheid Regime in Israel instigated the Ukraine invasion and let’s not fart about here Russia could quite easily have carried out a Genocide on Ukraine but didn’t and have been accused with committing Genocide War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Whilst the Insidious leader in Tel Aviv who for no other reason using a pathetic excuse of an attack on Them by Hamas an attack in which Netanyahu’ Nazi IDF killed more of their own people than Hamas Did Now there is an argument Hamas had no right to do this in which case we need to turn a blind eye to Children Women Young People Men Journalists and TV Reporters being Shot Beaten Raped Murdered Disabled Disfigured Tortured and imprisoned in Dehumanising conditions all the while being Held in The Biggest Concentration Camp the World Has Ever Seen PALESTINE Then YES these People have a Right. I Remember The South African Apartheid Government jailing Nelson Mandela and The Country being Banned from every Sporting Event on the Planet and having no Trading Rights one Persons Freedom Fighter is Another Persons Terrorist, Then we have Julien Assange a Man of Free Speech and the Truth this is called Democracy but only A Democracy if you don’t rock their boat as Mr Assange DID and America The UK and Europe made Julien Assange Pay a Terrible Price WHILE Mandela and his Political Party Murdered People and Blew Up Train Stations and Refineries and Offices Julien Assange Let the Worlds Population Know The TRUTH. Can you see where I’m coming from I am a Realist I look and listen to the Propaganda then I look and listen and SEE THE TRUTH because in this Day “The Truth Cannot Be Hidden” “Just Like Establishment Bullshit is Easily Debunked”

I’m Paddy McQueenie

The Free Thinker.

Thanks For Reading.

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The other dimension of this is that deals offering autocratic states security usually involve condemning the population of peripheral countries to repression from subservient governments. Ukraine is a good example of the dilemma. Should western democracies stand up for the right of self determination of nation states or should they bargain that away with autocratic neighbours?

But this may be passe. Arguably the genocide in Gaza and the accession of Trump has killed off the post ww2 narrative of the rights of nations to self determination.

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to me, "zero sum game" equals the hobgoblins of conformity." No ability to break the barriers of conventionalism.

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NATO’s silence on debating itself means treachery by minds frozen centuries ago who created medieval castles.

Those castle ruins soon to be followed by its socially ruinous mindsets.

Open source , non political , inventive dissolves the past without a bullet fired.

Deep Seeking a future.

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