the British and American geopolitical objectives are inherently aggressive. they are not defending their national security but to exercise imperialism and colonialism under the pretense of national security. divide and rule may sound a good strategy until opponents see through their tactics and become too strong for the wanna-be hegemon to rule. that's the world we live in today. the collective west is a dying empire led by bad men.

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As a British citizen, It's obvious to me the centuries dominance of the City of London, a seperate entity to Britain itself is losing its empire. The modern world has became totally aware of the vast tentacles the City of London & it's ways have kept control of the the World's finances. Based on the theft of their resources. The City of London was never powerful enough to aquire the control it has held for centuries. But they were certainly clever enough to. Along with their ruthless schemes. Incorporating partners along the way to help keep this entity in pole position. Many see contridictions in this set up. Surely Britain is a vassel of the US today. Yes it is, but the City of London isn't Britain. It's a totally seperate entity. The PM's of Britain do not represent Britain at all. They represent the City of London, this is why Britain is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. The amount of poverty & sheer desperation in Britain has to be seen to be believed. Yet British rulers throw money about like confetti around the World. They always have, they always have plenty of funds to do this. Yet they've recently taken winter cold weather payments from British pensioners to save money. These people have paid into the British tax system their whole working lives. Just one of thousands of examples I could give. The biggest mistake people around the World make about Britain is to associate the City of London & Britain as a single entity. This very Shady outfit is the cause of 90% or more of all the World's conflicts. Their divide & rule strategies as prevalent today as they've always been. There'll always be traitorous corrupt people who will sell their own countries down the river for self gain. Just take the last American administration as a recent example. Exactly the same as the rulers in Britain. Can anyone anywhere show any policies under these Vermin. That have any benefit for the countries citizens they're supposed to represent? Of course no one can, these WEF attending traitors prove what they are as soon as they make their pathetic speeches to each other. No one else is interested in their fantasies. It's like they're trying to convince each other it's gotten that pathetic. All the usual suspects spouting George Soros inspired extremism has seen its day. It's time for them to face the citizens their crimes have been committed against. They're desperate now, that much is so obvious to any rational thinking person. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for us to rid ourselves of these types, but I'm not confident they'll go quickly.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head. The center of the problem lies precisely where you've located it. I don't know if you'll agree with my thinking. But, I'm very hopeful that President Trump, now that he is back in power, will take serious steps to address this problem in the Umited States, and that will influence similar developments in Britain and other coutries.

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Good article that traces the line that runs from the fever dreams of Mackinder to the paranoid delusions of Brzezinski. It is truly liberating when you realise what the imperial powers mean when they talk about "security" - they mean primacy plain and simple.

The end of all imperialist / colonialist projects is to accelerate it's growth, and to arrest the natural growth of the world around it, just as a cancer (or another similar malign ailment) aims to overwhelm the organism and in the process stunt natural growth.

For the sake of the safety, security, and propserity of the world, these dangerous ideas and perspectives must be defeated once and for all. In particular, the rogue US regime must be defeated, and quickly. Once defeated the vassals of the rogue US regime will cease to be a problem, and harmony will be restored to the world.

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It appears the US keeps attempting to thwart this by playing nice with India which has done what’s best for itself. India has a deep deep mistrust of China Which has blunted the BRICS currency from really getting off the ground. Should India somehow lose their hatred/ fear of joining China we most likely will find ourselves on the brink of WW3. India speaks from both sides of its mouth when it comes to its dealing with the west and east. India surely enjoys US companies coming in and setting up factories and call centers which employ many citizens and is what keeps them from being fully invested with Russia and China. Biden also in his infinite wisdom killed the petrodollar which makes it imperative the US becomes the dominant supplier of energy to the world. Things are teetering more than the world realizes and should the US lose this we will be crushed from the trillions of debt as nobody will be buying bonds. That’s what’s the problem of BRICS. it has no bond market and countries are racing to buy gold mines and dig up as much as they can. It’s more complicated of course but this for sure is one issue.

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Hasn’t John Mearsheimer stated repeatedly over a long period of time that it has been foolish for the US to push the Russians into the arms of the Chinese?

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid the US foreign policy establishment has been. The consequences of this stupidity has resulted in an incredible amount of death, destruction, pain and suffering.

(It’s good to see that Glenn is picking up where John will eventually leave off).

In the same way that we should have been listening to John, it’s my opinion that we should be giving my free “course” some consideration.

In my opinion a good analogy is that my course is to humanity as John’s teachings are to the best way to have navigated the stormy waters of international relations. Although the hour is getting late in both instances it’s never too late to listen to good advice.

…That should be qualified…

It’s never too late until it is…

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The advantages of inner (and hopefully shorter) communication line exist only if (1) there are such communication channels and (2) transportation is not only feasible but also not too expensive. Currently, these needed advantages are not quite there because (1) The Siberian railway has only two rails at its narrowest point. And this doubling from single to double rails was completed not very long ago. (2) China's BRI built many miles of highways in Central Asia. These highways have a noticeable effect in boosting commerce and the economy along the way. But these are not enough. Highways are also less efficient in energy use than railroads. (3) There is a gauge difference between China and Russia/Central Asia. Modernized facilities have reduced the pain of retraining, but it is still a pain unlikely to change any time soon.

Given the cold weather and mostly flat terrain, a maglev railway based on nuclear power generation and super-conductors might be viable. But the cost is prohibitive. Besides, given that Europe serves as vassals of the USSA and their economies further deteriorate, China's exports to Europe probably have peaked for the short term. Unless Russia can build a trade sphere and vitalize the economies of most/all countries in this sphere (when many countries are covered by desert and steppe), all trans-Siberia transportation channels will remain mostly as for strategic concerns only. In the short term, the Northern Sea Route seems to have better payback

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Outstanding article reminding us that for very long time British/American leaders are always trying to destroy and occupy other countries which in their infantile brains could pose threat to them, this however will not be tolerated anymore ✅

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Thank you for your continued, informative publications Prof. Diesen.

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Thank you for your continued, informative publications Prof. Diesen.

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A very well written analysis, and a must-know subject to understand geopolitics. The 21st century is the time of the resurgent land powers, especially in Eurasia.

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Thank you!

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With the rise of China the Empire had a difficult choice to make: if you want to isolate China, you must cooperate with Russia. Which strengthens the GER-RUS axis, another no go. Their arrogance deluded them to fight them all together, ignoring Mackinder’s and Brzezinski’s warnings.

That’s the trap the Anglo-Saxons stepped in.

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Great article

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All hegemons are coming to an end Glennn. As will multipolarity. 2 degrees of warming in the next couple of decades will see the first 2 billion humans die. Mostly from Africa and South America, though China, Pakistan and India are already experiencing extremes of heat. There will mass migrations from agricultural failures which isn't going to help anyone's economy.

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Utter nonsense.

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Great Article, PhD Diesen.

Being a former Naval Officer - I will stress that Maritime Commerce is still vital to many Nation-States; and with the exception of Russia, Major Multi-Polar Powers will have to secure their Routes with Competent Blue Water Navies.

The GBRitsh are failing themselves into a Brown Water Navy; but China's PLAN have recently become an Ocean Traversing Blue Water Navy - capable of defending their Maritime Interests as far as the Persian Gulf and to the Africa's Eastern Shores.

Makinder's Schemes still live through the United States and their NATO Vassals - which make up the Atlantic Masonic-Zionist Hegemony - through the string of Military Bases and Aircraft Carriers.

Power Projection is the Strategy Game - AngloMurica were proficient at. It no longer works against Russia, China, and India to fully subjugate them anymore; but the Rest of the World are still vulnerable...

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