Judging by the fact that this war evolves from bad to worse and there is no intention to stop it, this war is a war of the anglo-saxons against Russia, Ukraine and Europa. It is the only logical explanation. I don't understand why Germany and France are allowing this (especially Germany, the big loser).

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Here is a plausible explanation: https://substack.com/inbox/post/148230353

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Allowing, nothing. Germany and France are all in, as long as their American Master is kept happy.

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I am saying anglo-saxons because they are united based on their origin (which is racist).

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Fully agree. Good to see there still is intelligent decent people instead of all those corrupt warmongering EU politicians and NATO leaders It’s miserable that Europe since 1945 still are a vasal state of USA and their useful idiot in their never ending illegal loser wars Russia are not EUs enemy and they will never attack EU countries Why should they ? Russia are the world’s biggest country They don’t need EU. Instead of go to war with Russia EU should cooperate with them They have all the resources EU need to a cheap price EU don’t have a independent foreigner or defense politics They just do what USA and NATO order them to do. Even if it heard them selves and destroy their economy EU should be a guaranteed for peace Now it’s a active war union and support killing of many 100.000 innocent people in Ukraine Like they also supported it in Iraq Syria Somalia Afghanistan. There are absolute no reason for doing that and they win nothing they only lose and people die Waste of life and money USA are always at war. They see enemies everywhere so they can justify their more than 800 military bases around the world 1000 of miles from their homeland. They are in conflict with Iran Russia China and several other countries But why do EU follow them ? Iran Russia China have never done them anything They want to cooperate and create a win win situation USA always creates lose lose situations Their goal is to keep their military industry running no matter the cost 💲 But EU should not participate Dissolve NATO and built their own defense forces to protect EU Not to interfere and attack other countries 1000 of miles away We want peace stability and harmony Not endless wars

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Yes, Europe has shifted from the cult of Athena to that of Mars. Instead of worshipping Reason and Courage, now it worships War and Aggression. Instead of looking inside to get back their own values and true interests, European nations now look towards Washington awaiting its orders. Sometimes I wonder if this is a trick of destiny, dragging them to their present after having enslaved so many peoples in their past... But anyhow, if we want the World to survive beyond the 21st century, from now on -in the manner of Roman senator Cato- all sensed peroration should end with the words: "The US Empire Must Be Dismantled"..!

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Europeans like being slaves.

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A Most Excellent discussion!

Best of luck to Sara's party. <3

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After listening to Michael von der Schulenburg I started to have doubts about the realism theory because it is only applicable to the main "apex predator" from the international system. After what we saw in the Ukraine war, so many people killed, we can call these countries like this. I believe that a more united Europe and more aware of the dangers lurking in the international system, is necessary now more than ever.

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A debate between Michael von der Schulenburg and prof. John Mearsheimer would be like a Christmas gift.

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