EU on the Brink: Will Europe Collapse or Adjust to Multipolar Realities?
Diesen & Pacini on Think BRICS
The EU continues to pursue policies that undermine its security, economy, political stability, and internal cohesion because it has failed to adjust to multipolar realities. The US is adjusting to multipolarity by demanding more loyalty from the Europeans, while similarly pivoting to Asia. Europe can recover by ending the expansionist bloc politics that redivided the continent and triggered a war, as its principal objective should be to restore economic competitiveness and political autonomy by pursuing economic diversification. However, the EU cannot change course as it has trapped itself in ideology and Manichaean narratives. The EU’s future depends on ending the proxy war in the Ukraine War, yet the Europeans are now the main opponents to negotiations and thus find themselves on the opposing side of the US, Russia, China, and the majority of Ukrainians.
I'd be very interested in a talk on the impact that the climate crisis is going to have on geopolitics.
Everyone is talking about minerals and energy. No one is talking about food. Cars and goods are luxuries if you don't have enough to eat. If we reach 2 degrees of warming by 2030-35, and there's no reason to think that we won't, food insecurity in Africa, Pakistan, India, West Asia and South America will become severe.
Productivity of wheat in the exporting bread baskets of Russia, Ukraine, the US, Australia and France will decline by about 20%. 2.5 billion people (1.5 billion already in food insecurity) depend on this trade import of wheat surplus to survive. It's entirely feasible that 1 in 4 will starve to death in the next 10 years.
China is apparently preparing but storing food only goes so far when you can’t produce more and renewable energy doesn’t help if you’re starving. Is China going to share this food with Africans or whoever when billions start dying? Will food not be a huge global political tool as the climate crisis worsens?
No one in the West, in MSM or alt. media even acknowledges the issue exists let alone debates it.
"The EU continues to pursue policies that undermine its security, economy, political stability, and internal cohesion because it has failed to adjust to multipolar realities. .....However, the EU cannot change course as it has trapped itself in ideology and Manichaean narratives..."
It should be pretty clear by now that EU institutions are captured, and key positions in the hands of people like Von der Leyen and Kallas who are rather obviously controlled by the neocon faction in the US.
The same is true of the ruling parties in many EU countries, if not most.
The masses of people in the US on the other hand are much more divided. There are those who are brainwashed and or racist enough to subscribe to the supremacist ideologies of the neocons....but many others explicity reject this, and would rather get on with solving social issues at home, including rising poverty, and trade peacefully with the parts of the world that are growing.
The ultrarich in Europe have abandoned any ideas of enlightned self interest, they dont dare to challenge the control of the neocons across Europe and they are bathing in their riches, like Louis the fifteenth. While the European media act like court jesters.
That kind of gap is not sustainable. The Emperor has no clothes and everyone knows it. And it is why the annual Edelman trust surveys show trust in institutions tanking right down into the gutter. Unbelievably low trust in institutions across many countries in Europe.
That theme of low trust is not an aberration at all.
Of course, after Louis XV, came Louis XVI....
As always we cannot any longer deal with international politics by viewing countries as solid blocs. There are huge divisions there here caused by extenrnal capture of the political institutions, and a rupture surely is imminent.