I think it's time to think new. I dont think I'm the first to think that Nato sound dissolve and that the US should leve Europe militarely. Why could'nt Europe inclusive Russia become good match and friends. I don't know if Russia represents a threat to Europe? Is it? Whithout USA I can't see any reason for immidiate tension. We could work together for our best interest. I don't have anything against americans, only their foreign politics
The US Empire is afraid that Europe and Russia come together. Before the French Revolution at the Russian court they spoke French and many bourgeois and Russian Intellectuals had links with France or liaisons, love affairs. Russia, Germany, and many countries together with Jewish communities as well in Europe and France had the potential to become a world power as we would never seen before, supreme to high tech in Silicon Valley, the super rich richer than any oligarchs, AI R&D, the possibilities are endless, but right from the start the British Empire and their new Atlantic Colony America sabotaged and suppressed it in the bud, the risk of losing their interest would be too high. So as it goes, for the moment the threatening war in Kivu, Goma is just an example why it can never happen…Gates will send vaccines, the US the CIA and keep the chaos going, the UN another contingent of peacekeeping and theft at the highest scale, the elite to steal all their minerals, Trump his AI techs and stargate watch keepers to see that the theft is “righteous”, and the Chinese, Russians and last comes the EU Ursula to see if Kivu as a former European property, Belgian cannot be annexed to their union as an extension of Greenland.
Please I’m all open for your lecture, what vaccines are you talking about? The good old schedule of 72 resulting in 54% autoimmune diseases, or the brand new Covid with up to date 7 boosters, resulting in 40% more oncogenicity and endocrine disasters, leaving men and women sterile, or the neurotoxicity because of the SV 40 carcinogene promoter or worse the plasmids DNA contamination a trillion fold? MAGA? What’s MAGA make all genders alian?
The US "leaving Europe" doesn't change the fact that the US is the largest Empire this world has yet seen and it has "strategic interests" in Europe that it will continue to prosecute until either (A) it gets what it wants or (B) it loses a conflict over them which reveals to its rulers that it no longer has the power to pursue them unilaterally. Until recently it was mostly (A) but the balance is no shifting to (B). This might be good for Europe and Russia in the long term but such political sea changes are typically bloody.
NATO is a vehicle designed by the US to further the interests of the US.
If every other member of NATO quits the alliance, the US' interests in controlling various events and policies in Europe do not magically disappear. Nor does the imperial regime's determination to pursue those interests, with whatever means are available to it.
Let me remind you that those means historically included a completely US manufactured campaign of "communist" terrorism across Europe. The campaign was fake but the bombs and the bloodshed were real.
Mr Diesen has his finger on the pulse Of the Wests strategy in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia NATO Frightened Stupid Scandinavian Leaders into Joining this Unholy Alliance by using their War in Ukraine as an opportunity for blaming the Russian Government. Every Person with an open Mind knows NATO THE USA🇺🇸 AND THE UK sank the Near Completed Peace talks in Istanbul Turkey just to Meet their own goals and it Worked A Treat “LIARS ALWAYS WIN AND CHEATERS NEVER LOSE” The Governments of the USA and the UK knew Zelenskyy was open To Corruption and the offer of Billions and Billions of Dollars and Pounds and Shitloads of Weaponry would sway him away from the Talks and into a War His Nation had no chance of Winning. Russia China North Korea India Vietnam have Nothing to DO with any Troubles or WARS Since 9/11 Americans and the Idiotic Leaders of the UK have went Batshit Crazy seeing Terrorists everywhere then Decided to Send Sovereign Arab Nations and their Populations into the Stone Age. What happened in New York that Dreadful Day was Horrendous an act of Evil and insanity that did exactly what it was intended to do Drag America and the UK into a Money Eating Never Ending Conflict with All involved Suffering Directly and the suffering has been inflicted upon a huge number of Arab Nations and Populations and the POOR Populations of America and the UK and Immigrants suffering abuse and Hatred. I would ask all you in not so much America but definitely the UK to think back and remember when the Immigration floodgates opened It Was Blair and his Despicable Corrupt Lying Gangsters with their illegal WARS. This was the Age of mass Immigration into the UK this is not the fault of the Immigrants this is all down to the Billionaire Class lobbyists handing out hundreds of Massive Brown Envelopes stuffed with more Cash than any Working Class Person could earn GROSS in two lifetimes to get our MPs to whip up reasons like we must have Immigration White British People won’t do the menial Jobs. Bollocks the Billionaires Wanted Mass Immigration to “KEEP OUR WAGES LOW” but the on a hiding to nothing Immigrants not the Corrupt Politicians and Billionaires Got The BLAME. It has been every single Government since Ted Heath and most of them Millionaires or Billionaires who deliberately overcrowded our Cities Towns and Villages and deliberately Creating intolerable pressure on The NHS inclusive Transport and JOBS. Our NHS the most important thing we have excepting our Right to A Decent LIFE to be Provided by the People We Trust and give our Fair Share of Money to but since 1984 every Government has SOLD SOLD SOLD everything which belonged to the Public Purse except the NHS, now this Life or Death Facility has been starved of the Money We PAY To make it Work for all. This Money has been siphoned off and Misused by Corrupt Politicians and Corrupt Private Health Insurance Corporations. So You Thick As Pig Shit People who Voted this lot into Power Get it SORTED OUT it’s not The Elderly the Disabled the Unemployed the Homeless or the Immigrants To Blame For the Problems created by Incompetent Dysfunctional Governments Worldwide CORRUPTION IS AT THE CORE and We The People have to VOTE to End this Madness.
The very purpose of academics & intellectuals, their reason for existing at all, is to dream up plausible-seeming propaganda to buttress the power, prestige, and privileges of the ruling class.
So naturally when there's a unipolar moment there arises an ostensibly left-wing justification for the rulers in possession of such untrammelled power doing whatever they want with it, and there arises simultaneously an ostensibly right-wing justification for the same. At least one of each, usually more. Call them neoliberal and neoconservative if it pleases you but they are first and foremost propaganda created by propagandists for hire, in other words, academics and intellectuals.
Thank you for the interesting discussion Glenn and Pascal. A non-aligned position - such as the South African position on Ukraine for example - does not mean we are “neutral”.
Non-alignment certainly means we do not involve ourselves in a particular instance of Great Power conflict or rivalry - but it definately does not mean we are “neutral” about it: the concept is political and has a rich archeology and genealogy.
We are against war; we are against bloc-politics; we are against zero-sum logics; we are pro-dialogue; we are fighting for justice, inclusivity, multipolarity, and for the fair and equal application of international law …and we have a strong position on sovereignty, mutual respect and national self-determination…that’s not “neutrality: it’s non-alignment.
There is a rich literature and history in the Rest on non-alignment…”neutral” harks back to the liberal notion of “freedom as non-interference”: our position in the Global South is about “freedom as non-domination”.
Neither us nor China is “neutral” about the fact that the U.S.-NATO deliberately fabricated the conflict in Ukraine and insists on “expanding” NATO eastwards and southwards; and blocked the negotiations to prevent/end the conflict: we oppose this warmongering and imperialism…that is what the concept of non-alignment entails.
Countries don’t have to be “rivals” - it’s a choice - and cooperation, respect for civilisational differences and sovereign interests, peace and development are neither “neutral” nor far-fetched.
At offset 30', Mercurious discusses the neocons, but where did they come from? What preceded them?
Out of colonisation, came the viewpoint found in the first crimean war, that the world island consisted, consists, of a Heartland and a Rim.
Mackenders theory from his 1904 paper "The Geographical Pivot of History" that he presented to the Royal Geographical Society, was the first formulation of the Heartland Theory. It has been much evolved ever since, though this is the baseline neocon case, through to containment and war, as necessary to fence out the invading hordes.
No one has really made this evolution of an idea explicit. It would be good to see it brought out for analysis and consideration. Perhaps Glen Diesen could enlarge on this point.
For its consequences on the resolution of this and all the other necon conflicts, we can accept the validity of Macinder's diagnosis, but should not turn to neocon military strategies of war and winning for treatments.
There is an alternative - it's more difficult, it's less profitable, but could a way be found to peace instead? Through diplomacy and negotiation, to a Eurasian security architecture?
Is it the rigid bifurcation of the world into perfect good and evil, with all of reality succumbing thereto (e.g., the rules-based order)? Or instead, is it a feedback system between ideals and reality, with the intent of optimizing the goodness of real world outcomes (e.g., neutrality, realpolitik, spheres of influence)?
As have always been and especially now with this ridiculous squalid EU and it's near fascist EU Commission, that have no problem to occupy spaces/roles that were not designated in the EU Treaty, taking POLITICAL positions without any mandate by European Citizen, it seems to me that the Nazi guide of Von Der Leyen it's clearly a sign no how weak, ignorant and politically corrupted European Institutions are. And so the single countries except very few.
Surely was designed in Washington since at least 30 years, " For a New American Century" or if u prefer "A New World Order" are clearly a plan to push Europe again to Nazism/Fascism as US did already in the '900, but this time pretty clearly given the technology of the information era we come from.
USA since '900 have always loved and supported Fascist Governments, Dictators all around the World, have trained South American regimes to torture and kill, have always organized Coups when that State was trying to be a real Democracy or a Social Democratic one. They just love Nazis.
So, of course, Neutrality ended with the end of Soviets, following step by step all Nazi Washington instructions and plans, form every point of view: economic, welfare system. electoral system, media, trade, even culturally and so on. I'm a quite old European I witnessed the bad change...
Last year I came through a document from Chinese Foreign Office about USA Hegemony in all the aspects of western societies, I was amaze by how precise how clear and straight it was.
Chinese don't speak too much but when they do the kick your butt easily. Their philosophies and culture is something that any Western country can dream to have it!
And that's why the pretty arrogant uncultured average American politicians or officers are afraid of China!
Glenn and Pascal, keep in mind that the populace isn't on board with their leaders in Europe anymore. After Covid, Ukraine, the Climate scare, idiotic energy policy, censorship, EU bureaucracy, and much more, the populace is just waiting for a moment to throw them over. The hold-up at the moment is the control of the levers of information, and some overstep or tragedy to bring people into the streets to say "ENOUGH". These guys are fools, and everyone knows it. For a prescription, read Sir James Goldsmith's book The Trap, from the early 90's. After "the end of history," the jobs of maintaining govts was uninteresting, and was left to the "dumb smart people," those with credentials but without drive or creativity. The smart smart people created something with their minds or hands or went to make money in the financial markets. We were left with thirty years of morons in charge. Now creatives are going to have to take over again to steady the ship. Compare Witkoff and Sullivan as examples. Take Heart! We are near the end of their reign!
I think it's time to think new. I dont think I'm the first to think that Nato sound dissolve and that the US should leve Europe militarely. Why could'nt Europe inclusive Russia become good match and friends. I don't know if Russia represents a threat to Europe? Is it? Whithout USA I can't see any reason for immidiate tension. We could work together for our best interest. I don't have anything against americans, only their foreign politics
The US Empire is afraid that Europe and Russia come together. Before the French Revolution at the Russian court they spoke French and many bourgeois and Russian Intellectuals had links with France or liaisons, love affairs. Russia, Germany, and many countries together with Jewish communities as well in Europe and France had the potential to become a world power as we would never seen before, supreme to high tech in Silicon Valley, the super rich richer than any oligarchs, AI R&D, the possibilities are endless, but right from the start the British Empire and their new Atlantic Colony America sabotaged and suppressed it in the bud, the risk of losing their interest would be too high. So as it goes, for the moment the threatening war in Kivu, Goma is just an example why it can never happen…Gates will send vaccines, the US the CIA and keep the chaos going, the UN another contingent of peacekeeping and theft at the highest scale, the elite to steal all their minerals, Trump his AI techs and stargate watch keepers to see that the theft is “righteous”, and the Chinese, Russians and last comes the EU Ursula to see if Kivu as a former European property, Belgian cannot be annexed to their union as an extension of Greenland.
What backward mindset makes you oppose vaccines? Are you another troglodyte MAGA fool?
Please I’m all open for your lecture, what vaccines are you talking about? The good old schedule of 72 resulting in 54% autoimmune diseases, or the brand new Covid with up to date 7 boosters, resulting in 40% more oncogenicity and endocrine disasters, leaving men and women sterile, or the neurotoxicity because of the SV 40 carcinogene promoter or worse the plasmids DNA contamination a trillion fold? MAGA? What’s MAGA make all genders alian?
The US "leaving Europe" doesn't change the fact that the US is the largest Empire this world has yet seen and it has "strategic interests" in Europe that it will continue to prosecute until either (A) it gets what it wants or (B) it loses a conflict over them which reveals to its rulers that it no longer has the power to pursue them unilaterally. Until recently it was mostly (A) but the balance is no shifting to (B). This might be good for Europe and Russia in the long term but such political sea changes are typically bloody.
If Nato is being dissolved, what i left for the US military?
NATO is a vehicle designed by the US to further the interests of the US.
If every other member of NATO quits the alliance, the US' interests in controlling various events and policies in Europe do not magically disappear. Nor does the imperial regime's determination to pursue those interests, with whatever means are available to it.
Let me remind you that those means historically included a completely US manufactured campaign of "communist" terrorism across Europe. The campaign was fake but the bombs and the bloodshed were real.
You may be right, but it is very interesting to play with the thought around Nato dissolvement. I believe it will happen some time in the furure
I am sure it will. No empire lasts forever.
I believe we are seeing the beginning of the end of this one. it will be a very interesting time.
I agree.
Mr Diesen has his finger on the pulse Of the Wests strategy in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia NATO Frightened Stupid Scandinavian Leaders into Joining this Unholy Alliance by using their War in Ukraine as an opportunity for blaming the Russian Government. Every Person with an open Mind knows NATO THE USA🇺🇸 AND THE UK sank the Near Completed Peace talks in Istanbul Turkey just to Meet their own goals and it Worked A Treat “LIARS ALWAYS WIN AND CHEATERS NEVER LOSE” The Governments of the USA and the UK knew Zelenskyy was open To Corruption and the offer of Billions and Billions of Dollars and Pounds and Shitloads of Weaponry would sway him away from the Talks and into a War His Nation had no chance of Winning. Russia China North Korea India Vietnam have Nothing to DO with any Troubles or WARS Since 9/11 Americans and the Idiotic Leaders of the UK have went Batshit Crazy seeing Terrorists everywhere then Decided to Send Sovereign Arab Nations and their Populations into the Stone Age. What happened in New York that Dreadful Day was Horrendous an act of Evil and insanity that did exactly what it was intended to do Drag America and the UK into a Money Eating Never Ending Conflict with All involved Suffering Directly and the suffering has been inflicted upon a huge number of Arab Nations and Populations and the POOR Populations of America and the UK and Immigrants suffering abuse and Hatred. I would ask all you in not so much America but definitely the UK to think back and remember when the Immigration floodgates opened It Was Blair and his Despicable Corrupt Lying Gangsters with their illegal WARS. This was the Age of mass Immigration into the UK this is not the fault of the Immigrants this is all down to the Billionaire Class lobbyists handing out hundreds of Massive Brown Envelopes stuffed with more Cash than any Working Class Person could earn GROSS in two lifetimes to get our MPs to whip up reasons like we must have Immigration White British People won’t do the menial Jobs. Bollocks the Billionaires Wanted Mass Immigration to “KEEP OUR WAGES LOW” but the on a hiding to nothing Immigrants not the Corrupt Politicians and Billionaires Got The BLAME. It has been every single Government since Ted Heath and most of them Millionaires or Billionaires who deliberately overcrowded our Cities Towns and Villages and deliberately Creating intolerable pressure on The NHS inclusive Transport and JOBS. Our NHS the most important thing we have excepting our Right to A Decent LIFE to be Provided by the People We Trust and give our Fair Share of Money to but since 1984 every Government has SOLD SOLD SOLD everything which belonged to the Public Purse except the NHS, now this Life or Death Facility has been starved of the Money We PAY To make it Work for all. This Money has been siphoned off and Misused by Corrupt Politicians and Corrupt Private Health Insurance Corporations. So You Thick As Pig Shit People who Voted this lot into Power Get it SORTED OUT it’s not The Elderly the Disabled the Unemployed the Homeless or the Immigrants To Blame For the Problems created by Incompetent Dysfunctional Governments Worldwide CORRUPTION IS AT THE CORE and We The People have to VOTE to End this Madness.
The very purpose of academics & intellectuals, their reason for existing at all, is to dream up plausible-seeming propaganda to buttress the power, prestige, and privileges of the ruling class.
So naturally when there's a unipolar moment there arises an ostensibly left-wing justification for the rulers in possession of such untrammelled power doing whatever they want with it, and there arises simultaneously an ostensibly right-wing justification for the same. At least one of each, usually more. Call them neoliberal and neoconservative if it pleases you but they are first and foremost propaganda created by propagandists for hire, in other words, academics and intellectuals.
Thank you for the interesting discussion Glenn and Pascal. A non-aligned position - such as the South African position on Ukraine for example - does not mean we are “neutral”.
Non-alignment certainly means we do not involve ourselves in a particular instance of Great Power conflict or rivalry - but it definately does not mean we are “neutral” about it: the concept is political and has a rich archeology and genealogy.
We are against war; we are against bloc-politics; we are against zero-sum logics; we are pro-dialogue; we are fighting for justice, inclusivity, multipolarity, and for the fair and equal application of international law …and we have a strong position on sovereignty, mutual respect and national self-determination…that’s not “neutrality: it’s non-alignment.
There is a rich literature and history in the Rest on non-alignment…”neutral” harks back to the liberal notion of “freedom as non-interference”: our position in the Global South is about “freedom as non-domination”.
Neither us nor China is “neutral” about the fact that the U.S.-NATO deliberately fabricated the conflict in Ukraine and insists on “expanding” NATO eastwards and southwards; and blocked the negotiations to prevent/end the conflict: we oppose this warmongering and imperialism…that is what the concept of non-alignment entails.
Countries don’t have to be “rivals” - it’s a choice - and cooperation, respect for civilisational differences and sovereign interests, peace and development are neither “neutral” nor far-fetched.
At offset 30', Mercurious discusses the neocons, but where did they come from? What preceded them?
Out of colonisation, came the viewpoint found in the first crimean war, that the world island consisted, consists, of a Heartland and a Rim.
Mackenders theory from his 1904 paper "The Geographical Pivot of History" that he presented to the Royal Geographical Society, was the first formulation of the Heartland Theory. It has been much evolved ever since, though this is the baseline neocon case, through to containment and war, as necessary to fence out the invading hordes.
No one has really made this evolution of an idea explicit. It would be good to see it brought out for analysis and consideration. Perhaps Glen Diesen could enlarge on this point.
For its consequences on the resolution of this and all the other necon conflicts, we can accept the validity of Macinder's diagnosis, but should not turn to neocon military strategies of war and winning for treatments.
There is an alternative - it's more difficult, it's less profitable, but could a way be found to peace instead? Through diplomacy and negotiation, to a Eurasian security architecture?
The question is, which morality is to be master?
Is it the rigid bifurcation of the world into perfect good and evil, with all of reality succumbing thereto (e.g., the rules-based order)? Or instead, is it a feedback system between ideals and reality, with the intent of optimizing the goodness of real world outcomes (e.g., neutrality, realpolitik, spheres of influence)?
As have always been and especially now with this ridiculous squalid EU and it's near fascist EU Commission, that have no problem to occupy spaces/roles that were not designated in the EU Treaty, taking POLITICAL positions without any mandate by European Citizen, it seems to me that the Nazi guide of Von Der Leyen it's clearly a sign no how weak, ignorant and politically corrupted European Institutions are. And so the single countries except very few.
Surely was designed in Washington since at least 30 years, " For a New American Century" or if u prefer "A New World Order" are clearly a plan to push Europe again to Nazism/Fascism as US did already in the '900, but this time pretty clearly given the technology of the information era we come from.
USA since '900 have always loved and supported Fascist Governments, Dictators all around the World, have trained South American regimes to torture and kill, have always organized Coups when that State was trying to be a real Democracy or a Social Democratic one. They just love Nazis.
So, of course, Neutrality ended with the end of Soviets, following step by step all Nazi Washington instructions and plans, form every point of view: economic, welfare system. electoral system, media, trade, even culturally and so on. I'm a quite old European I witnessed the bad change...
Last year I came through a document from Chinese Foreign Office about USA Hegemony in all the aspects of western societies, I was amaze by how precise how clear and straight it was.
Chinese don't speak too much but when they do the kick your butt easily. Their philosophies and culture is something that any Western country can dream to have it!
And that's why the pretty arrogant uncultured average American politicians or officers are afraid of China!
Glenn and Pascal, keep in mind that the populace isn't on board with their leaders in Europe anymore. After Covid, Ukraine, the Climate scare, idiotic energy policy, censorship, EU bureaucracy, and much more, the populace is just waiting for a moment to throw them over. The hold-up at the moment is the control of the levers of information, and some overstep or tragedy to bring people into the streets to say "ENOUGH". These guys are fools, and everyone knows it. For a prescription, read Sir James Goldsmith's book The Trap, from the early 90's. After "the end of history," the jobs of maintaining govts was uninteresting, and was left to the "dumb smart people," those with credentials but without drive or creativity. The smart smart people created something with their minds or hands or went to make money in the financial markets. We were left with thirty years of morons in charge. Now creatives are going to have to take over again to steady the ship. Compare Witkoff and Sullivan as examples. Take Heart! We are near the end of their reign!