I watched your program on The Duran. You provide great opportunities for learning more of the true reality of our geopolitical world in these times. And you do so graciously as an educator as much as by your calm, well-thought through questions to your guest. I enjoy the friendship and knowledge-based cameraderie that you have with Alexander Mercouris. Merry Christmas through the Yuletide; and may God bless you always.

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Dr Diesen. In your title you explain what the objective is: decades of war. The “elites” want and need war to maintain hegemony and any sort of economic activity (theft) to maintain the pyramid scheme: lives, deep misery, ethical standards etc don’t matter to these people

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I appreciate Professor Diesen's insight into the west's ability to "just stop talking" about an issue like we did overnight with Afghanistan, Iraq, and, in my opinion, Libya, once the facts on the ground turn negative for us. I feel like these podcasts are becoming a means for some Americans to grow up a little about foreign policy. We are such a capricious ally, and have been shown to be for so many decades in so many situations, that I can't believe that any other country even bothers to give us the time of day. How many times are the Kurds going to let us leave them in the lurch? Enemies are enemies, you face up to them and can watch what they are doing. It's your friends you have to watch out for.

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Should be clear by now that like pretty much everyone else, Kurdish leaders are bought off or are assets of three letter agencies. Because being used as US neocon battering rams for several decades while the US benefits but then dumps the Kurdish interest when it suits, is not a mistake. It’s intentional. Also by the Kurdish mis-leadership.

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Wasn't chaos the desired effect after all by the masters of the universe...soon to fall

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And deep misery. Note agenda 2030. Population reduction is not only through medical interventions but also through misery. This stops people having children.

Objective met

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To sum it up, what it amounts to is that while we’re more or less pretty good at making the trains run on time, we keep heading down the wrong track.

That would indicate that while the train might need some work, the conductor and his crew need to be completely scrapped.

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What it amounts to is that while we’re more or less pretty good at making the trains run on time we keep heading down the wrong track.

That would indicate that while the train itself might need some work the conductor and his crew need to be completely scrapped.

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Conductor and crew are actually working with the bandits.

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Haha. Unfortunately you’re right.

The bandits are made up of AIPAC, The Military Industrial Complex, All of the other lobby groups, the parties themselves and the deep state…. Oh and don’t forget the for profit main stream media…

If the conductor were to use my “course” as their platform and make their argument directly to the people they might have a chance of breaking the spell but until that happens the train will be heading down the wrong track…

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