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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

About [Ideal] Hegemony;

Recently I heard a Catholic traditional (pre-Modernist) priest comment what - I had thought in non-religious terms - that America's overwhelming wealth of resources and our founders Christian-Based work ethic, had they been Catholic aware of and fighting our main sin of Averious, that focused on living Faith and Works, on Charity to neighbors (world) for God's sake, that we could have uplifted all the world while bringing such values (as well as Catholicism) civilization and government to all.

A Pope directed-guided Hegemony.

Please understand that the Catholic Church has been attacked for over hundreds of years by Modernists, and from injected communists as testified by an actively involved person- that was Convert - before congress in early 1960's that she had assisted in over 1000 placed in Seminary. That such was documented as one of the Goals of communist takeover of West, and as such have had nation destroying Sickening anti-liberty effects as we witness all around us.

The Church today - the leadership has been and is Sickening and destroying basic Catholicism, the true Catholicism that has generated so many Saints and except for rare examples and periods of problems, have been a world-wide positive Salvation and force on us all.

As a 6-7 year Holy Ghost Inspired convert to Catholicism (Traditional) that have been diving into Theology Apologetics arguments and other similar history in goal of protection from our Vatican II Sickened, Popes, many leaders that who took Offices intending Treachery to and Betrayal of established Church doctrines, or Christ & Apostle continuously connected Managerial Church. In hopes to better recognize Heretics when seen and pushed on us.

Unfortunately, such potential of America was Aborted by sin, and only Russia seems to remain with such resources to uplift rest of world.

God Bless., Steve

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