Energy supply is the key. It underlies all economic activity. The US now is holding the EU by the groin:


As one can imagine, the US govt svd energy companies will undermine all policies outlined above that could make Europe independent of the US energy-wise. And with that also goes permanent economic and political vassalhood.

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Also, every step up in human longevity & general welfare was accompanied by an increase in energy density (of fuels and of corresponding individual consumption). Reducing energy consumption is historically equivalent to civilisational suicide, which necessarily includes enormous individual suffering.

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No not true.

Energy consumption needs to be reduced. But doubling or tripling the price of it kills ordinary people. And that’s all that the US is doing. Not helping to reduce usage. Especially not when increasing weapons manufacturing and usage. That’s energy overuse right there.

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OK, but what makes you say it needs to be reduced? What civilization has reduced its energy consumption and thrived?

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Which other previous civilisation had an OVER-ABUNDANCE of cheap energy? We are pissing energy up the wall, fat obese fucks driving 10 miles to buy a fucking "Starbucks" they could waddle over and spend 2mins to make at home FFS. Fx.

Vast militaries and "Carrier fleets" floating thousands of miles away to ensure oil companies get their contracts slightly cheaper than the free market without threats would give.

Half the population with 'personal transport' driving 2 tons of metal hundreds of miles a day just to do "Bullshit Jobs" [Graeber] that benefit literally absolutely no-one.

Not only could we reduce energy use, but we COULD thrive from it.

Needless to say, what will actually happen is that energy use declines, the elite classes will ensure that the only result from it is more pain on the weakest and poorest, just because. Just because that is the way that psychopaths swing.

Nonetheless, in THEORY, we could easily achieve this.

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So that's a No.

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Not because it isn't POSSIBLE, but because we are living in Rome 3.0, and we have let the psychopaths rule us for so long we have forgotten our own power.

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No civilization has exceeded the limits of its natural environment and survived.

That’s what.

Dead in mathematics, not cult beliefs.

Anyway Europe, like the rest of the world must reduce energy consumption. But jacking up the costs of life faced by the masses, which is what is happening in Europe, is not tenable. The pie ain’t gonna grow anymore, so it’s going to have to be shared completely differently in Europe than what it was before.

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Stasis is just another word for death.

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No, absolutely not! Europe is far beyond to be saved and has become an extremely loyal flying monkey to the narcissistic and megalomaniac of the USA, NATO, WEF, EU climate panel and energy policy(ACER), WHO agreements and on and on.

We see it in the weaponry support to Ukrainian military, we see it on matters like climate change hoaxes, the new plandemic and vaccination treaty with WHO, the centralized digitalization of money, the hostility against sovereignty of your own body, private property and freedom of decentralized crypto currency, dismantling of basic human rights, freedom of speech and expression and even freedom of movement, and of course the religious and fanatical belief in the NEW WORLD ORDER of the unipolar world in The West as the navel of the new civilization and the forth industrial revolution.

This is far beyond repair.

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I've been doing basic researching & trying to get to the bottom of all these obviously insane "Economic Policies" & "Foreign Policies/Wars" for about 40yrs now. My view is still "follow the money" ...but follow who creates the money,...if they can print as much money as they like & can counterfeit money legally who controls the Gov? All else is trickery done by clever control of all the mainstream media narratives/lies/"fears..it is all pure fraud (of course the Media is along with Govs also controlled by their needs for finance). . I personally suspect the "crime syndicates" of the West's key central bankers eg Rothschilds & their ilk are very clever & run the most all the show. ..And it is all about transfering more wealth, power & control to themselves... by engineering wars & using war shills in Gov & media creating "fake fears/crises". nb "Lindsay Graham Neo-Cons et al!". Originally back then I suspected The Bilderberg Group was THE front for them via Rockefeller & Kissinger et al...but there are many others eg CFR, Chatham House, Trilaterals, Club of Rome, fake Uni programs/professors/Think Tanks..The NEW big trick is The World Economic Forum...bet the house, a Rothschild front! ...it is pretty simple, create the mere PERCEPTION of a threat/dangers & use that as a way of creating "protections systems" which serve to indirectly transfer more power, profit & control to themselves. All else is trickery & distractions...NB IMPORTANTLY, Wars are used to expand the footprint of Central Banking control over nations... &, their peoples & steal resources. They know what the are doing, & they are very smart with narrative control, ..been doing it a long time.......& they KNOW, if they control the MSM narratives they can get away with ALL using lies & creating fears, & pulling strings & the plebs will run to them (Big Bro) for protection. It is ALL fake! Totally, Climate Crissis, Pandemics, Wars, Food security, Energy crisis, Budget crisis, debt crisis, terrorism, you name it..it is all pure BS to grab more POWER/World domination..they hope! ...And most importantly the do not care how many millions of plebs their engineered Wars get killed & maimed....their record proves this.

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Europe is hitched to a vampire:


No, it cannot be saved.

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Europe itself is the vampire.

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Drones above DC are Anglo-Saxons -- preparations for attack on Iran.

FYI -- It was a false flag attack to pull US into a world war but -- the ship for some reason, despite all efforts (including 5 torpedoes) failed to sink - it floated for 17 hours so rescue ships had to finally come..


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Excellent discussion - thank you.

Wars are very expensive - affecting Russia also, of course. Perhaps there is a race to the bottom -- between Europe and - unfortunately - Russia. Is economic situation of Russia significantly better then Europe's.

On a different subject there are truly outstanding Mike Benz factual episodes on staged war on Russia - highly recommended:

1. Excerpt – Zelensky dog-walked on orders of the US State Dept’s swarm army

Mike Benz “Here is just the section going through every policy Zelensky was dog-walked into having or not having, starting his first month in office, on orders of the US State Dept's swarm army on the ground in Ukraine” (from last night's X subscriber stream, annotating the @joeroganhq ep) – 9 min


2. Origin of US (“Blob”) proxy war on Russia, Hunter and Biden crime family – a factual and truly astonishing chronology (only 48 min)

Mike Benz “This is a really good deep dive on a big clip I covered on @joeroganhq -- worth a watch for more detail if you want to go further”


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No, absolutely not! Europe is far beyond to be saved and has become an extremely loyal flying monkey to the narcissistic and megalomaniac of the USA, WEF, EU climate panel and energy policy(ACER), WHO agreements and on and on.

We see it in the weaponry support to Ukrainian military, we see it on matters like climate change hoaxes, the new plandemic and vaccination treaty with WHO, the centralized digitalization of money, the hostility against sovereignty of private property and freedom of decentralized crypto currency, dismantling of basic human rights, freedom of speech and expression and even freedom of movement, and of course the religious and fanatical belief in the NEW WORLD ORDER of the unipolar world in The West as the navel of the new civilization and the forth industrial revolution.

This is beyond repair.

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Turtlenecks and douchebags. Please try to scrounge a testicle.

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So when humanity should be preparing for the impacts of the climate crisis- the playground bully and king of the castle happily allows his gang to die in order to weaken his rival.

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What climate crisis?

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I rest my case.

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You've given up on trying to show the wilfully blind too? Literal fucking roads melting in the UK just a couple of years back, entire mountain ranges denuded of icepack, floods of water from Greenland and Antarctica, Russia having severe problems with melting permafrost, but it's all "Propaganda".

This is how the Church maintained its control for 2000 years.

RAW's 'Prometheus Rising' Ch.1 is becoming truer year by year.

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I don't know that book.

I know about propaganda.

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There's the first couple of pages here, the entire book can be found free online with a little effort, although it's not as easy as it was in the early Net days. (There's still plenty of torrents though ;) ).

Just to give a taste: https://www.scribd.com/document/175175565/Robert-Anton-Wilson-s-Prometheus-Rising

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Thank you Gnuneo

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Yes, that’s how Science and Justice work today; the assertion is proof sufficient.

You are a true modern.

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If it was just the assertion that would be one thing. But it's not. There's plausible mechanism and prediction fulfilment.

And just plain common sense that actions have consequences.

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Prediction fulfilment?

Would you like a list of the stupendously wrong predictions of the climate alarmism crowd going back 5 decades?

P.S. If the evidence points both ways (I'll be hypothetially generous here) then at best you have a null theory. Unfortunately for you the predictive power of climate alarmism is profoundly negative.

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Marx predicted socialism - or barbarism. What are we heading at?

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Marx was an Elitist who undermined the Internationale's movement towards promoting the Danish Socialist Model for every country, because he hated "the Masses".

Instead redirecting all that energy into fake "Rapture Visions", or "Revolutions" as he called them.

WITHOUT Marx, we would already have had World Socialism, in the form of Social Democracy.

Marxists are little more than Secular Xians, and are just as brainwashed against their own interests.

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Marx converted from Judaism to Christianity, then to Satanism - and total destruction of the present = revolution. But with no constructive alternatives. - Unlike the pragmatic Friederich List.

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I doubt he ever became a Satanist, it's a teenage rebellion thing for idiots.

I agree about List though.

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" teenage rebellion thing for idiots". Quite so, but I am not kidding. A Romanian clergy wrote a book about this. I will try to find it in my phd thesis. .... Ah, here it is:

Wurmbrand, Richard. (1986). Marx and Satan, OK: Living Sacrifice Book Co. Zielenzieger, Kurt. (1914). Die alten deutschen Kameralisten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und zum Problem des Merkantilismus, Jena: Fischer

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Lol, so it's a serious matter.

But to tell the truth, I *REALLY* don't care. Satanism is just another branch of Christianity, and is part of all the others. There's very little difference between them.

Perhaps Satanism is a little more open-minded, but I don't have any time for any of them.

ALL of them betrayed the supposed founder, just like the male 'disciples'.

Jesus was a Dancing Taoist Master, and they turned it into a patriarchal lamebrain control system of guilt.

The only interesting thing about Marx "Becoming a Satanist", is that I can despise him even more for going even lower than the racist Judaism.

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"Lol, so it's a serious matter."

Well, many people still adhere to the ideas of this crazy man ....


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Sorry, forget Zielenzieger, Wurmbrand is the guy.

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Lolz . Revolution is when social relations change for better

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Lolz bro.you should read marx instead of saying these things

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Christians say exactly the same about their 'Prophet's Books'. And they're usually just as deluded as Marxists as to the REAL meanings.

Why didn't Engels turn his own factories into worker-owned cooperatives? What people DO is often a better guide than all the fancy words.

I read the Manifesto as a teen and was impressed - I reread it again in my late 30s and was considerably less impressed.

Marxism is just Goldsteinism - 'controlled opposition'. There's good reason why the Western Establishment allows "Marxism studies" but not "Anarchism studies" at Western unis. - From the POV of the Establishment.

Marxism is the 'Opiate of the Intelligentsia'.

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Engels would have done if a revolution happened in UK.

If it is controlled opposition,US wouldn't fight cold war and threaten,sanction Venezuela.

Hitler mein kamf sold freely and there are laws against glorifying communism in former Warsaw pact countries and recently US passed bill to teach children anti communism.

Marxism is studied anywhere in west and marx only appears in sociology.

Opium of intelligentsia? Lolz.

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Engels should have BEEN the revolution. Denmark showed it was possible through their peaceful agricultural reforms. They didn't walk the talk: not surprising, as they were Elitist shitheads.

The US isn't "Fighting Communism" - it's simply warring to expand its financial and corporate control. Russia isn't anything LIKE "Communist" - notice any difference in the US's behaviour? Vietnam was attacked because they were economic NATIONALISTS, not because of the political ideology.

Marxism is purely about the replacement of one elite with another. His "insights" about Class were cribbed from Anarchist writings considerably older without accreditation; the Marxist 'solutions' were often worse than the original problem; there is an hatred of the common person in the 'Vanguardism'; there is no agreement upon worker-ownership and control; and it's "Revolutionaryism" is little more than rewritten Christian "Rapturism" - with as little real world effect.

I've had Marxist teachers, and they were easily the worst I've ever had. I've hung out with Marxist groups - which were undeniably fun and intellectual - and what I really learned was that 'Leftists' spend more time and energy hating each other over tiny differences.

While Marx is often not as bad as many of his Followers - and many of those are not bad people who could easily have followed a more enlightened path if exposed to better ideologies - the overall Marxist Experience is, frankly, crap.

But then I've little time for authoritarians of right or left. Perhaps I'm not the target audience.

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How Engels would have been revolution? Denmark did what in 1850-90?

Yeah USA is warring like some kingdom of middle ages .it is taking whole world backwards.


Yes there is a change in behaviour w.r.t of USSR and Russia- imo. It isn't exerting itself that much firm in it's belief that it will win in long term.

Vietnam,korea,Taiwan is to fight against communism.

Liberalism is replacement of one elite by another slightly expanded elite. Marxism is smashing elites of all kinds and giving power to workers which is most of humanity is.

Rapturism and revolution is same to you.this is BS comparision. See the revolutionary USSR,PRC ,Cuba etc.,

Guess you got already targeted and hit upon by capitalism via the anti authoritarian route😀

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Excellent explainer & I think all perfectly well enunciated by Glenn! One of his best interviews I think too. Cheers & thanks from Australia.

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As a tourist, I like Europe.

As an investor, I now see Europe as a very bad neighborhood, with a few good companies that can isolate themselves from these self-destructive EU policies.

Still interesting on a case-by-case basis are:

- Low energy-intensive EU companies with a global customer base.

- High energy-intensive EU companies with production facilities in low energy cost countries (e.g., the US), and a global customer base.

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Excellent chat.

One point: Georgescu DOES have "far-right" tendencies, according even to pro-Russian, anti-EU Romanians. He's linked directly to shadowy 'Intelligence' agencies, and far-right elements within Romania.

That's not to argue his election isn't legitimate, nor that he shouldn't become President - I think he'd be a considerably better choice personally than what they have now - just to stop portraying this purely as a "Conspiratorial claim". It has basis.

The Durans, with their own hard-right tendencies - quite how Alexander M thinks "Thatcher had good economic ideas" is completely beyond me, and shows how he lets ideology in the way of critical thinking - may knee-jerk mock these things, just as they do criticisms of F'Rage because of their ideological hatred of the EU, but it entirely undermines their credibility as serious thinkers and analysts.

Don't go down the same path as them, Glenn.

Fuck the EU, and Fuck the US, but also Fuck the racists too.

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Superb account. One of Diesen's preceding contributions is quoted in my brand-new essay 'Sleepwalkers 2.0', aufa100.com/l/sw

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