The world is changing fast.

From Inside China Business YouTube channel:

"China is aggressively removing foreign software and applications from its critical information technology systems. This program is informally known as "Delete-America", or "Delete-A", and involves all software applications and in almost all industries.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) and satellite navigation is a critical function in scores of industries. GPS is owned by the United States government, and its replacement with Chinese domestic technology is an imperative for China's policymakers.

China has developed their own satellite navigation system, called BeiDou, as a home-grown alternative to GPS. BeiDou already boasts higher degrees of accuracy and reliability, and is less susceptible to interference and jamming. It is particularly more accurate outside the United States and Western Europe, and is being quickly adopted by users across South Asia, South America, and Africa."

Delete America, GPS, and BeiDou: the Great Power Competition in satellite navigation systems


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The political task for Denmark in the future is to leave the EU and NATO and go back to an alliance free foreign policy. In that way we in terms of trade can enhance the cooperation with both the new economic BRIC center in a new multipolar world economy, while we at the same time offer cooperation and trade with the old imperialist bloc of the

West. The political economy of the intended genocidal sanctions have failed and it must be stopped. Over 40.000 deaths in Venezuela tells us about the cruel and deliberate attempt to kill innocent civilians in needs of food and medicine. The U.S star spangled banner has blood and the suffering of millions on it. U.S imperialism belongs to the scraphill of history. It is Time to stop the warfare economy and create a new peaceful world that respect people's right to self-determination, Self-government and a democratic business life based on workers and stakeholders Self-management.

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But, Modi is everywhere !

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Wiki says increasing democratisation lead to break up of Soviet Union and end of Cold War. I've heard others say it was harsh polices by the US and others say it was skilled negotiation. Any links to some basic info?

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Neutrality Studies published a new relevant episode:

Myths BUSTED! Brave German Journalist EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies (Sep 19, 2024)


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In Thailand, where I live, importers buying oil have been paying in e-Baht, while their UAE counterparties instantaneously receive-Dirham. The RCB/PBOC/BIS-developed platform slashes time, cost and US oversight.

It goes live this January 1.

As use of the toxic declines in trade, so will its share of central banks reserves.

Anyone familiar with Glenn's work can figure out the effect of this change on inflation in the USA..

More: https://herecomeschina.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/136157049/share-center

BIS video: https://youtu.be/tarMrEA3Q70?si=oOVS4T-UjnkKZWt9

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Giving that the British and the French are in the Western hemisphere, the only major country that can be independent in Europe is Germany. Germany has also the advantage of being half a former communist country.

The new world will probably have 4 major centers: Washington - Berlin - Moscow - Beijing

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Scholtz agreed with the elimination of the pipeline as he stood next to Biden when Biden said he knew how to blow the pipeline and would if Putin went over the line. No German investigation after it was blown. By the time the Schulenberg people have a chance to change things, the game will be over. German industries are becoming non competitive since Europe is left holding the bag as America retreats back to N America. Europe.. nice place to visit as a tourist but without German industry it is a “has-been”. China, India, Russia, Indonesia, etc.

All that was needed was neutrality for Ukraine. No damn polemic about rules based order and democracy vs autocracy and all that crap. European leaders today are incompetent. Can see Crazy and Scholtz, both German, are the most incompetent. Where is Wily Brandt?

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In my opinion these issues are reversible.

In Germany the relation between the economical issues and the decisions made since 2022, or better said accepted, are more clear for the public (no gas, no industry).

Let's hope we (are forced to) go only this far with the war in Europa. I don't think America wants a nuclear war but a conventional war for a short time is possible.

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Russia doesn’t have to respond with nukes.Putin says he has weapons as big as a nuke but not a nuke. The Pentagon knows this that is why Biden was mad at the press conference with the UK jerk who wanted to launch into Russia. The pentagon told Biden no way and that is why his dementia anger was exhibited at the news conference.

L. You are holding the bag. It’s over!

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Where are the shells? What American soldiers want to go to war in Europe? Fine against the goatherders in the mountains! But a real war against Russia?! And do you think the pentagon will allow it without hypersonic missles?

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What I believe they intend is to bomb the Russian positions in the Eastern Ukraine. And the long strikes role in this is to provoke Russia. A nuclear strike is not excluded but Putin didn't say that a Russia will respond with a nuclear strike.

I don't know what to say about the American soldiers, but the order is received from Washington and the people there are not guided by moral or democratic principles as we know now.

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Let's think about the possible steps because we are still in the bluffing phase of the war giving the elections in US (walking on dead bodies). If the intention is real and it means most probably using of the American planes (stealth) to bomb the Russian positions in the Eastern Ukraine because Russia doesn't want a nuclear war are probably true. But America also doesn't want a nuclear war. So, theoretically at least, Russia can use nuclear weapons without starting a nuclear war. I am saying theoretically because Russia's relations with China and Germany will be destroyed for a long time, if nuclear weapons will be used to keep Ukraine in the Russian sphere of influence. There is also the fact that starting a conventional war with Russia means dead EU citizens. So, we will probably remain to the bluffing phase, in this immoral and expensive pseudo-reality. I don't remember the name given by Macron to this. It was never about Ukraine or the Ukrainians. It was always about the containment of BRICS, about money.

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People will die in NATO countries if a war starts but as long we are alive we should think about the future and it should look in this world :)

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Hopefully those politicians can overcome the fools currently in charge in Germany. Then you have the EU and Ursula Van der Crazy to overcome with their rules!

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Berlin, without Russian natural gas and other Russian commodities and small population is going nowhere.

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That was America's choice.

I think the German politicians already know what they have to do with regard to the security independence. Michael von der Schulenburg has at least a coherent understanding about what is wrong (including immoral) in the current politics.

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