The racism against Russia is the worst sort imaginable, as you've clearly delineated

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Britain has had a hard-on for Russia for centuries. It's very strange.

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>The argument that Ukraine has the right to defend itself is a very deceptive counterargument as nobody has disputed that Ukraine has this right

We actually do -- no state that is founded on a supremacist Nazi ideology has the right to exist. Ukraine is such a case.

Then there is the question of how legal the USSR breakup was to begin with.

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What supremacist ideology is your nation founded on?

Please declare your own loyalties before asking others to accept your moral judgements of other nations.

As a practical matter no nation has any more rights than it is able to hold against those who would remove them.

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Great article. Pity some people in charge in the UK don’t read it.

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Excellent article ! It's a pity that not so much scholars have your clarity of mind. Reading your work i was thinking of these words by Mario Bunge :

"As with structure analysis so with meaning analysis: no genuine shade of meaning need remain uncovered if our analysis is pushed far enough.

The resulting depth of our analysis will depend on the power of the analytic tools we have employed.

What holds for logical form and for meaning holds for philosophical problems in general: if genuine they can be and ought to be tackled in an exact manner.

Even though some exact philosophers may lack the esprit de finesse characterizing some inexact philosophers, the problems the latter discover can only be solved with a pinch of esprit de géométrie."

I would say that you are an "exact" professor with a esprit de finesse 😉

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The "salami slicing" style of escalation is exactly what the US did in Vietnam. Not until we had over 500,000 troops and the disaster of Tet did people start to wake up. The Vietnamese, of course, did not have nuclear weapons. We have long been governed by bellicose idiots, but this current lot are taking it to an entirely new, and terrifying, level. I can only hope that Russia can find ways to respond "horizontally" and that the missile strikes are ineffective. The strikes seem very unlikely to alter the course of the war on the ground in E. Ukraine. But doing something ineffective, escalatory, and vicious has long been our M.O. Watching it all unfold makes me wonder whether Homo Sapiens is an evolutionary cul-de-sac.

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Exactly. The US has long history of proxy wars escalating.

Shame that not enough voters in America know this history but only the mythology.

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Russia ALREADY have deployed nuclear and SARMAT in land, planes, subs and ships ALL READY and AIMED at US and NATO.

Such a “war” WILL END in only less than 30 minutes and neither US nor NATO would even know WTF happened, before their complete annihilation.

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Agree 💯 %. I don’t know what kind of relationship Russia and China have with Mexico 🇲🇽. But it could be a game changer if Russia / China make a joint venture with Mexico and they became a partner in BRICS. And then they install military bases with nuclear weapons in Mexico on the border to Texas and on Cuba close the Florida. It could be interesting to see how USA would react when they get same threats they are using on both Russia and China and other countries 😇

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We already know how they will react. Even the great liberal Kennedy threatened immediate launch.

The hegemon cannot tolerate rivals AND remain the hegemon.

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Watch China's exhibitions and other videos on you tube about the huge advances in China. There is no comparison between USA greatest cities and accomplishment with the Chinese. I concluded that China ALREADY left us in its dust. Our hegemony is mostly a history of the dominant dollars.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Hence the destruction of any government that threatened to trade in gold and/or NOT-USDs for Oil.

Such a move leads to immediate compromise of the USD and eventually total destruction.

When the neocons and neolibs call out China and Russia as the major threats to the "rules-based world order" they of course mean to their hegemony and all the power, pomp, privilege and pride it affords, but they're also accurate; these are the only nations strong enough to break out of the petrodollar without being easily "thrown against the wall to prove to the rest that we mean business" (the Ledeen Doctrine).

And hence BRICS, which is their gambit to break out of the petrodollar and thus break the hegemony of the US and her vassals in EU/NATO, AUKUS, ANZUS, Five Eyes, etc.

Without being nuked into oblivion.

Is it going to work?

As I like to say; Time Will Tell.

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Dear sir, I have a question-

Is a major European war in the long-term hegemonic interest of the Global American Empire? American global supremacy came after massive devastating war in Europe and Asia in the 1949s. Would another major European or East Asian war similarly re-cast the GAE as world hegemonic power, now that globalization, manufacturing, debt, currency, and energy control are weakening or even working against the Global American Empire?

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American dollar is a has been.

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Yet another final, final warning from Putin.

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Maybe in your eyes. Ar no point has Russia said what they have said over the last two days. "If you do this, we are at war."

Russia never backs down.

Does the West have the stomach for missiles dropping in their countries? I seriously doubt it.

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Another good concise Article, PhD Diesen. Parliamentarians and Congressionals should immediately discuss this throughout NATO, because WashingtonDC and London - with their MIC Proxies in Ukraine - are too close to crossing a Russian Redline that will trigger responses in the form of Russian Missiles landing upon NATO Countries and Ships afloat.

It doesn't matter if Washington or London refrain - their MIC and Mercenary Agents in UKRaine want the War to continue; and are probably delusionally gambling that they can keep it running by making the War spill over and Regionally contained onto Euro-Continential NATO Neighbors while Murica and GBRitan remain untouched or lightly struck - as the Final Escalation Redlines before Negotiations occur btwn Murica and Moscow.

Definitely Time to Call for a NATO-wide Public Discourse of Governments; and mandate the Cessation of NATO Long Range Weapons Shipments and Targeting Advisory to UKRaine.

Hopefully, (more) NATO Members will stop Weapons Shipments and their War-Funding of Kiev...

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Arrest Zelinsky, and have Russia rules Ukraine until all it's Nazis are gone.

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Critical viewing. Weekly Friday Schiller Institute webinars. This Friday, https://www.youtube.com/live/jcnA2YOS7Y8?feature=shared

Last Friday, https://youtu.be/2yZnO-JYGn4?feature=shared

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