I was interviewed by Tara Reade about the enduring conflict between NATO and Russia. What explains the absence of strategic thinking in NATO and the continuous doubling down on failed policies? Why do NATO and the media not discuss Russian security concerns or political alternatives even as we are heading towards a catastrophe? I argue that ideology, censorship and the declining freedom of speech make it difficult for course correction.
Tara Reade was a US Senate staffer who left the US following her sexual assault charges against Joe Biden.
Yesterday's "news" in my country: "The man in the Kreml gave a press conference. This was framed as a direct wire to the Russian population, but in reality it was one big propaganda event."
.. no mention of what it was about, what has been said, and what western journalists asked ..
It is already an American/NATO war against Russia.
Has been since day 1.
Russia has decimated the American/NATO war making capabilities by drawing maximum weapons & ammunition into the Ukrainian theatre.
They did this partly to reduce the chances of a large war.
It would take America & Europe 2 to 5 years to build capacity- if they even could given how many resources are needed and their lack of these resources under their control.
It seems Russia has a two-fold strategy-
Force them to expend their military resources in Ukraine so they can't wage a wider war.
Decisively defeat them in Ukraine and use negotiations to drag out the conflict until they agree to reduced American forces in Europe- in central Europe most importantly
Besides- Europe is facing financial collapse. So to is America.
Just keep bleeding them- which seems to also be Russian strategy.